noticing can stop what is coming

Daniel Smith | January Update

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Daniel Smith | October Update

Daniel Is With His Family...but had to move already...

Daniel's housing had a glitch and he'll tell you about it below.

He is finally settled in a nice home with Karis and Sabby. To make itself obviously in control of his life the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) still monitors his every move.

Thus he has to give notice to request leaving the house ~ like for a job interview, going to church, shopping, or having someone visit, etc. I asked Daniel how tightly the Feds monitor him. "Dad I wear an ankle tracking device and have to get permission to leave the house. I tell them where I want to go. They either approve or deny it.

Here's the strictness: I can't deviate from their GPS coordinates even to pull into a drive thru. If I have to vary at all I must phone them immediately."

None of us would want to be controlled like that.

This custodial monitoring will last for three and a half (3 1/2) more months ~ probably until shortly after New Years 2019. Finally then ~ ~ he’ll be free other than reporting to his Parole Officer ~ for 4 additional years.

Supreme Court Appeal Update: NO NEWS YET

We still don't know if the Supreme Court selected Daniel's case last Monday ~ Sept 24th. We expect a response any day. Daniel's attorney said that three (3) things can happen:

The Supremes order the Government to respond to the petition, the Supremes grant Daniel's petition or they could outright deny it.

No Job Yet ~ But Daniel has surprising excitement to tell you about ~ his creative juices are flowing again ~ his future is looking much brighter.

Daniel has written a special letter to each of you - so let's get right to it.

"Dearest Friends & Family,

It feels good to be out of prison and finally home. Surprisingly, there are a few things I miss, like the slower pace of confinement and our regular correspondence. It was always such an emotional boost to hear my name yelled for mail-call and receive a hand-written card or letter from halfway around the world.

Today, I want to share something that has inspired me ... something I hope will inspire you, too.

Question: What if one day you woke up and you were everything you wanted to be?

That is how this journey that led me to you first began ... nearly 11 years ago.

On or about October 12, 2007, I awoke with a pervasive and otherworldly feeling of peace and wellbeing ... as if everything on the inside of me was suddenly perfect. Nothing on the outside seemed that way, however. At the time, I was programming for a startup that was having difficulty paying me, and we'd just put our personal stock of 12 bottles of MMS on eBay, in hopes they would get us another week of groceries.

It was in the midst of all this chaos and uncertainty that a wave of tranquility washed over me, compelling me to write the words that would become the YouTube poem entitled, "Today I Woke Up." It goes like this:

"Today I woke up ... and I was everything I wanted to be ... I forgave myself ... of everything ... that had ever made me feel ashamed. I loved everyone ... everywhere ... even those who hurt me. I sent love to those who've lost their way. I wasn't afraid... of anything ... anymore. I realized ... I was endowed ... with all the power of the Universe ... to think ... to feel... and create ... and to love all that I have created. I reveled ... in the realization ... that this ... is the sum total of all I have intended for myself to date ... I realized ... that right now ... is the only moment there ever really is ... was ... or will be. I knew ... that all my past ... except its beauty ... was gone. I made a promise to myself ... never to forget ... to hold this feeling as if it were ... a little child. For indeed ... it was."

Original version here:

Over the years, people who resonated with the message came looking for me on Facebook, some to share how it inspired them, and some to ask if they could use it. Some suggested I make it into an illustrated, bedside/coffee table adult/children's book, so it could be shared or read daily as a part of one's life. Serendipitously, I obtained the hearty commitment of a world-class illustrator, Frank Riccio, to undertake all the illustration, but sadly he passed before we could complete the project.

There was no doubt that something was born in me that day ... the day I woke up. Never mind that nearly all the days that came after it were pretty much like the ones that led up to it ... i.e., lots of toiling, lots of busy-ness, plenty of drama.

The MMS we posted on eBay all those years ago sold quickly, so we sourced more. In time, we built Project GreenLife and offered nearly 100 alternative health products around the world, including the MMS that became the target of the government's case resulting in my last three years of incarceration. In time, I forgot all about "Today I Woke Up."

The ironic thing, however, was that the transitory peace that visited me before the journey began, became the more lasting peace that worked its way into my life along the way. It was a thought that was, at first, like an infant ... wrapped in the swaddling robes of my feelings and laid in the manger of my heart. It needed to be nurtured and given more experience to grow. It was like Frances Hodgson Burnett wrote in the 27th chapter of The Secret Garden, "thoughts — just mere thoughts — are as powerful as electric batteries — as good for one as sunlight is, or as bad for one as poison" ... and "where you tend a rose, a thistle cannot grow." "Today I Woke Up", was like a rose ... a promise of what could be ... a foretelling of what was yet to come ... if I could keep my thoughts straight long enough.

Many of you have asked what will I do now that I'm out of prison, having had this amazingly terrifying journey. I'm taking it one day at a time, but I've decided, in the very least, to follow my heart ... to return to where it all began ... and I wonder if you will help me.

I'd like to create a new "Today I Woke Up" (TIWU) video, but this time I'd like to have it narrated with a collage of your voices ... all the voices of my friends and family who've stood by me all these years. I'd like, with your permission, to use the new video in a Kickstarter campaign to fund the creation and publishing of the professionally illustrated bedside/coffee table adult/children's book, so we can make TIWU a part of our daily lives and share it with the whole world.

You see, we really are waking up, all of us together, and that is why it should be a chorus of all our voices. Through this journey, with all of you as my mighty companions, so many of the rough edges have been worn off my heart, and the peace and joy I feel is now more consistent -- in part, thanks to your unfailing love and friendship. Let us create something beautiful together.

If you think this is something you'd like to be a part of, please record yourself in any way you can (audio or video) narrating the text as its written above (no background music). Then make the file available for me for download, or email it to me ( I will select from and weave together your voices for a "collective" narration of "Today I Woke Up" and include your name in the credits of the video. Having recently taken my studio gear out of storage, I believe I have the tools to make this a compelling and delightful presentation. The diversity in all your global accents will be a beautiful thing to hear.

Here is an example of one voice (mine) reading the text you see above: Note, that the narration slightly varies from the earlier 2007 version, so please be sure to use the new text as written above or as heard in the later video.

It would be a great joy and honor to have all of you take part in TIWU, and I hope you will join me. I think it will be an inspiration to many.

On another note, some of you have been wondering what I'm going to do now to make a living. The short answer is that I'm still looking for employment, as required by my release conditions, but also exploring some new ideas that I look forward to sharing in the near future. We have survived, in large, by your good graces for so long (thank you!) and are looking forward to getting on our feet before the year's end.

As an aside, Karis has taken to partnering with her mother to resell prints of her beautiful watercolor paintings. Only one sale so far, but it's a start. See:

Below also is a sneak peak at a rough t-shirt design featuring a favorite salutation of mine many of you are already familiar with: "Love, Light, Laughter & Limitless".

As a final note, we were recently and unexpectedly required to move by the end of this month, which has been difficult due to my limited ability to come and go (rules of home confinement) and the approval process of the powers that be. I expect things to smooth out over the next couple of weeks and to be more available as we continue to await the Supreme Court's decision on whether or not they'll hear our case.

As ever, thank you for all the life-giving love and support of me and my family. A very special thanks to Jim Humble and Genesis II for making our correspondence possible. Every one of you has been a light in our lives.

Hoping to hear from you all soon.

Sending you Love, Light, Laughter & Limitlessness as, together, we enter this brand new season.

Daniel Smith (Votino)

PS: Instead of dedicating a song this month, I dedicate this reading of the 27th chapter of The Secret Garden. ... he-garden/ Enjoy. =)

IMPORTANT: Some have written "Why Does Daniel Still Need Donations?" Ponder please He is just searching, preparing and training for new employment; but will not receive income until he gets past the initial months. I know you folks will do your best to meet his necessary finances. ~ as you’ve always done. It is critical that he receives enough help to get a fresh start ~ particularly since the Feds are strictly controlling everything he does for the first six (6) months. It will be very difficult, to say the least, during this time.

How then can he get the financial support to make it?

(1) For you awesome supporters who know his story well ~ Daniel is praying that you’ll consider adding a small amount to your donation (if possible). It will really make a big difference for him. He thanks you sincerely for unfailingly and generously going above and beyond what anyone could have anticipated or even hoped for.

(2) The GoFundMe site, designed for those who are unfamiliar with his story, is barely crawling along. Perhaps you could share it with a few people. Thank you also ~ for those of you who previously sent the link to family & friends.

The GoFundMe link is:

RESULTS of Survey Request: ~ Should Daniel Write a Book? Here is your response.

RESPONSE: 7 supporters voted NO - Daniel should not write a book. Over 95 supporters want him to write a book. You're still invited to share your wisdom about Daniel writing a book. Feel free to send an email saying, "Yes," or "No," or sending your personal suggestions. Send to:

Brief Comments from Dad:

Many have sent thoughtful concerns and prayed about my stroke. Finally after the MRI was done it was found that I first had a seizure followed by a stroke in the hospital. Though, as the neurologists cautioned, I will now be at high risk of a repeat, I am basically back to normal (for me :) ) Thanks to all of you for your encouragement.

You can see that Daniel has taken the "bull by the horns" and will quickly be supporting his family again. And since my awesome Son is entirely upbeat, positive and bearing zero grudges or resentment to the people or system who imprisoned him. ..he will succeed!! This is extraordinary. He is going to continue being a hero for each of us. No doubt about it.
Meeting his financial needs, writing encouraging letters and praying earnestly are so appreciated! The love you’ve always displayed energizes him and gives him undying hope. May you and yours be wonderfully rewarded for doing so.

If you can help Daniel at this crucial time...

Any assistance can best be sent through PayPal’s Send Money. When PayPal asks for the email to which your donation is to be sent, simply type (copy & paste does not work). Please either type:
or ...(both addresses go into the same account)

Some find it even simpler to just click the PayPal logo below:

If you prefer to send your donation conventionally: USPS, UPS, FedEx, etc. please send it to:

Larry Smith 9208 NE Highway 99, Suite 107-165 Vancouver, WA 98665-8986.
(This "suite" is simply a type of a post office box - with a street address.)

Please Note: It is still not possible for Daniel to have his own bank account while in custody at his house ~ that’s why, I his father, receive it for him. To be deposited for Daniel’s and his family’s use it needs to be made out to Larry Smith.

Most Thankfully
Larry Smith
Daniel’s Father

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StandByDaniel Newsletter
L-R: Sabby, Karis and Daniel
Daniel Smith | November Update

November 2018

Daniel is in his new home with his family

As mentioned last month the family was unexpectedly asked to move from the small apartment Karis and Sabby were living in while Daniel was away. With some effort, they are all together again living in a pleasant home in a quiet neighborhood. In this house they are able to keep their loving Australian shepherd of 11 years ~ Potter. Also the house is much larger than the apartment and Daniel has set up his music studio ~ he'll tell you about it below.

He is finally settled in a nice home with Karis and Sabby. To make itself obviously in control of his life the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) still monitors his every move.

Thus he has to give notice to request leaving the house ~ like for a job interview, going to church, shopping, or having someone visit, etc. I asked Daniel how tightly the Feds monitor him. "Dad I wear an ankle tracking device and have to get permission to leave the house. I tell them where I want to go. They either approve or deny it. Here's the strictness: I can't deviate from their GPS coordinates even to pull into a drive thru. If I have to vary at all I must phone them immediately." Would you want to be controlled like that? Not me.

This custodial monitoring will last for a little over two (2) more months ~ probably until shortly after New Years 2019. Finally then ~ ~ he'll be free other than reporting to probation ~ for 4 additional years.

Supreme Court Appeal Update

A short time after September 24th the U.S. Supreme Court said, "NO." It can only hear so many cases a year and Daniel's case is not on its radar. Since the US Supreme Court refused to consider Daniel's appeal this concludes his efforts to have his case overturned or a new trial ordered unless he makes another attempt by habeas corpus within the next year. He's not sure he will do so since he's happy to just get on with his life.

Important: Some have written "Why Does Daniel Still Need Donations?

Just a few days ago the Bureau of Prisons (B.O.P.) finally approved one of the occupations that Daniel had presented to them. Now with the red tape to complete it may take weeks before he can get started. He'll tell you about it below. I know you folks will do your best to meet his necessary finances ~ as you've always done. It is critical that he receives enough help to get a fresh start ~ particularly since the Feds are strictly controlling everything he does for the first six (6) months. It will be very difficult, to say the least, during this time.

Daniel has written a special letter to each of you - so let's get right to it.

"Dearest Friends & Family,

When they took me to prison for selling MMS on May 27, 2015, our daughter, Sabrielle, had just turned eleven. She had no idea why her Dad missed her school musical that night until it was over when her Mom could explain. It all happened so fast and it never felt indicated to stress her out with the possibility beforehand.

A couple days prior, I sat in trial staring at a note she'd written earlier that morning, reminding me of her piano recital later that evening. She knew I was really busy but didn't know what with.

Sabby's note to her Dad during trial

Daniel, Sabby, her brother Liet, and Mom Karis, at Sabby's May 2015 recital

Some of you may remember my rejecting the government's eve-of-trial offer to plea, in part, because the prosecution couldn't guarantee I would see Sabby's eleventh birthday. I'd pre-purchased two tickets with backstage passes to her favorite artist, Lindsey Stirling, and it was one birthday surprise I wasn't going to miss.

And so it was ...

Sabby backstage with her favorite artist, Lindsey Stirling, for her birthday during the week of Dad's trial

Having now been released from prison, Sabby has already turned fourteen. The 10-15 minute phone calls from prison would cover a range of topics that no father is truly prepared to discuss with their daughter ... let alone over a monitored phone from prison ... topics like bullying ... standing up for what you believe in ... and boys.

It wasn't long before Sabby kindly reminded me she wasn't eleven anymore. Prison has a way of making time stand still, but not for those left at home. She's been very patient with me.

It's amazing to think that many of you have been seeing us through this since Sabby was just seven years old (since the 2011 raid). Some of you may remember her aerial artistry from 2013, when she was only nine: Consider though, some of you have been here for us for more than HALF her life, which makes you "family" no matter where you call home in this great big world.

During my time in prison, Sabby took up another art form close to my heart ... music. She sang lead parts in school musicals and performed in talent shows. One year she orchestrated a flash mob of students reenacting Michael Jackson's "Thriller" on Halloween to surprise teachers. Earlier this last year she posted a song on YouTube that she and a friend wrote called "My First Bliss":

After hearing her singing around the house, it was clear I needed to pull my studio gear out of storage and see about some recording. And that we did.

You all know how much I love to share music. Well, Sabby has given me permission to share with you a rough cut of her performing "Let It All Go" by Birdy and Rhodes - including all twenty-something tracks of Sabby's harmonizing vocals.

Here is the link on SoundCloud:

But Sabby is not the only one with latent musical abilities in the family. Karis, too, has recorded a song that she has given me permission to share with you all. I think you will love it.

Here is the link on SoundCloud:

My biggest priority has been reconnecting thorough quality time with family. I do a lot of the cooking and cleaning now and really enjoy it. Although we are limited in our ability to have a real outing until January 7, we are making the best of it. I've had only one unscheduled outing and that was to the Emergency Room this last weekend when Sabby fell upon intense stomach distress.

Sabby in ER with IV

The hospital diagnosed her with acute streptococcal pharyngitis. She is miraculously well tonight though, less than a week later. We think it has something to do with Halloween and free candy in the offing.

Sabby - Halloween 2018

My second priority has been getting back on my feet to provide for my family. I'm excited to report that I've had a job offer from a tech company out of Seattle but I will not be able to start work until they secure a local office (due to my release conditions). I am hopeful this will happen before the new year.

While I wait to start work, I am still interested in undertaking the "Today I Woke Up" project described in my last email. I have received only a few recordings from those wanting to participate but hope to receive many more. For those interested, please see the instructions posted in my October update, which looks to have been posted here: ... pdate-2018. You can email me your recording/narration at Please feel free to use that email for general correspondence as well.

Many of you have asked about my father's health. He is still having some issues that continue to challenge his health and wellbeing. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. He is my hero.

In closing, I want to thank again each and every one of you for all your unending love and support. One reason why I like to share photos and music from our personal lives is because you have all given so much to help nurture and keep our family together. I am especially thankful for your faithful support that kept Karis and Sabby during the last three years of my absence. As you listen to their music, know that it was your continued love and support that has nurtured their hearts to keep singing in spite of it all.

With all my Love, Light, Laughter & Limitlessness
~ Daniel"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Brief Comments from Dad

(1) Finances are really tight right now with the BOP taking so long to finally approve Daniel's new occupation and the extra cost of moving from the apartment, new utility deposits, higher rent costs, etc. For you awesome supporters who know his story well ~ Daniel is praying that you'll consider helping with a Thanksgiving donation.. It will really make a big difference for him. He thanks you sincerely for unfailingly and generously going above and beyond what anyone could have anticipated or even hoped for.

(2) The GoFundMe site, designed for those who are unfamiliar with his story, is barely crawling along. Perhaps you could share it with a few people. Thank you also ~ for those of you who previously sent the link to family & friends.

The GoFundMe link is:

You can see that Daniel has taken the "bull by the horns" and will quickly be supporting his family again. And since my awesome Son is entirely upbeat, positive and bearing zero grudges or resentment to the people or system who imprisoned him. ..he will succeed!! This is extraordinary. He is going to continue being a hero for each of us. No doubt about it. The love you've always displayed energizes him and gives him undying hope. May you and yours be wonderfully rewarded for doing so. We pray that your Thanksgiving will be your best it will be for Daniel and his family.

If you can help Daniel at this crucial time...

Any assistance can best be sent through PayPal's Send Money. When PayPal asks for the email to which your donation is to be sent, simply type (copy & paste does not work). Please either type:
or ...(both addresses go into the same account)

Some find it even simpler to just click the PayPal logo below:

If you prefer to send your donation conventionally: USPS, UPS, FedEx, etc. please send it to:

Larry Smith 9208 NE Highway 99, Suite 107-165 Vancouver, WA 98665-8986.
(This "suite" is simply a type of a post office box - with a street address.)

Please Note: It is still not possible for Daniel to have his own bank account while in custody at his house ~ that's why, I his father, receive it for him. To be deposited for Daniel's and his family's use it needs to be made out to Larry Smith.

Most Thankfully
Larry Smith
Daniel's Father

PS: RE: Future Daniel Smith Updates ~ I'll continue to send Updates to you regularly (health allowing) as we know you folks love Daniel and want to be kept informed.

DISCLAIMER: I am Daniel's father and I am not, nor do I claim to be an attorney. What I've written is a summary of the current situation and urgent needs for you from my perspective only ~ Daniel only creates the monthly article which is in blue italics. This email was sent to you only (so no one else ever sees your private e-mail address nor your name) to protect your privacy and because you have previously inquired, supported, or said you'd pray for Louis Daniel Smith. Should you not wish to receive any additional updates...simply reply with: REMOVE ME (no other comments are required) and you will be unsubscribed. Should you wish to subscribe to receiving this email regularly please simply reply with: INCLUDE ME (no other comments are required) and you will be added to the monthly Daniel Smith Update. If you wish to request anything additional or have any non-legal questions answered please email Larry at

Ways to help Daniel
Send Mail, Check, Money orders to
Larry Smith
9208 NE Highway 99,
Suite 107-165,
Vancouver, WA 98665
Send with PayPal
Click this direct paypal link or the donate button to send a gift to Daniel with PayPal.
Thank you. ♥
Copyright © 2018 Optimal Health Press, All rights reserved.
This email was sent to you and many others because you have previously inquired, supported, or said you'd pray for Louis Daniel Smith.

Our mailing address is:
Optimal Health Press
9208 NE Highway 99
Suite 107-165
VANCOUVER, WA 98665-8986

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Daniel really needs our help. The Bureau of Prisons finally has approved employment for Daniel. But our Saving Account set aside for Daniel & his family is so diminished as we've been trying just to keep his rent, food, auto & renter's insurance, utility deposits, heat and school expenses met.

Over the last several years I've only made an urgent request when their need exceeded available funds. We have reached that point. Daniel is excited that he'll soon finally be able to meet his family's needs. BUT, as his Father, I'm sharing the true financial status of how things really

I estimate that when early 2019 dawns Daniel will be well on his way to be providing for his own. What I'm asking...encouraging each of to share from your blessings to help meet their very tough days. You've always been such generous givers from your hearts that I'm asking if you would pray about it and then respond as you feel led.

If you can help Daniel at this crucial time...

Any assistance can best be sent through PayPal's Send Money. When PayPal asks for the email to which your donation is to be sent, simply type (copy & paste does not work). Please either type:
or ...(both addresses go into the same account)

Some find it even simpler to just click the PayPal logo below:

If you prefer to send your donation conventionally: USPS, UPS, FedEx, etc. please send it to:

Larry Smith 9208 NE Highway 99, Suite 107-165 Vancouver, WA 98665-8986.
(This "suite" is simply a type of a post office box - with a street address.)

Please Note: It is still not possible for Daniel to have his own bank account while in custody at his house ~ that's why, I his father, receive it for him. To be deposited for Daniel's and his family's use it needs to be made out to Larry Smith.

I Deeply Appreciate You
Larry Smith
Daniel's Father

PS: RE: Future Daniel Smith Updates ~ I'll continue to send Updates to you regularly (health allowing) as we know you folks love Daniel and want to be kept informed.

DISCLAIMER: I am Daniel's father and I am not, nor do I claim to be an attorney. What I've written is a summary of the current situation and urgent needs for you from my perspective only ~ Daniel only creates the monthly article which is in blue italics. This email was sent to you only (so no one else ever sees your private e-mail address nor your name) to protect your privacy and because you have previously inquired, supported, or said you'd pray for Louis Daniel Smith. Should you not wish to receive any additional updates...simply reply with: REMOVE ME (no other comments are required) and you will be unsubscribed. Should you wish to subscribe to receiving this email regularly please simply reply with: INCLUDE ME (no other comments are required) and you will be added to the monthly Daniel Smith Update. If you wish to request anything additional or have any non-legal questions answered please email Larry at

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Daniel Smith | January Update

Jan. 2019


Daniel just wrote to me: I'm FREE. The ankle bracelet is removed. Now I only deal with my Probation Officer.


Dear Friends & Family,

Code: Select all

 I can't begin to adequately express how it felt to be HOME this Christmas, instead of talking to loved ones from a prison phone for 15-minutes @ $3.21 a call.  And I can't begin to tell you what it feels like to be starting out this new year a free man!

 During my time in prison, however, I learned that freedom is really just a state of mind.  I've probably shared already how, from time to time, I would look up at my surroundings and catch myself saying, "Oh yeah ... I'm in prison", as if it had slipped my mind.

 That's because, over time, I came to accept the whole ordeal as a gift -- the fulfillment of a long-desired (and much needed) retreat.  Where else can you find the time to sit and read 150 books you always wanted to read?  (Special thanks to those of you who sent them!)

 Want to know what books I read?  Or what my favorite one was, and why?  Want to hear more than just the "CliffsNotes" of this whole experience?

 Well, for good or bad, I've decided to share my story in a forthcoming book.  I admit, it's a bit presumptuous to think anyone would want to read it, but many of you expressed an interest and so it is time.  This will not be a typical, run-of-the-mill, self-aggrandizing memoir though, I hope.  We all know there are too many books in the world not worth the time to read, let alone write them.

 But what excites me the most about this project is that it's my gift to all of you who supported me over the years.  Its a labor of love and its free.  I've been wondering for months what I could do to give back to everyone who offered their love, prayer, and support along the way so the blessing doesn't just stop with me.  Writing our story and presenting it as a gift is really only the tiniest way to say thank you and to acknowledge that the journey was never mine alone, but yours also, who walked beside me all this way.  It's your story as much as it is mine.

 To ensure you receive your copy, please make sure you're subscribed to my Dad's newsletter at OR  That way he or I can let you know when its available and how to get it.  I promise not to litter your inbox and, of course, you can unsubscribe at any time.

 This will also help us stay in touch, as this will be the last update to go out via the Genesis II email list.  To Jim Humble and Mark Grenon and family, I send my warmest thanks for having been so gracious to share my updates over the last five years.  It's time we quit co-opting your list ... you have your own important things to share with the world. Please note Jim & Mark are our dear friends and have helped us over all these years by sending my Updates to their email supporters. We are now going to send our updates ONLY to my Dad's list at or So please be certain you're on Dad's list.

 So, please, I really want to stay in touch with every one of you.  If you're signed up to receive the or newsletter, I will be able to share new music and projects with you and let you know when the book is ready.  But please also feel free to write me personally at  In a previous update I forgot the "2018" in the address so I'm afraid I might not have received some of your emails (please resend).  Oh yeah, and feel free to write and ask for my messenger ID or telephone number if you'd prefer to communicate that way.

 I have one more surprise.  Sometime in the next few weeks I will be randomly selecting one subscriber from the email list to receive the one and only actual hard copy -- torn pages and all -- of my single most favorite book that I read over and over to myself and others while in prison.  Its about a two-hour read and worth every minute!  Yeah, I know, it's kind of a weird giveaway, but its all I have and, to me, it's worth a lot!  At least the winner will be able to say one of the books on their bookshelf went to federal prison and came out inked and alive!  =)

 So, I'll be announcing in the next newsletter who the winner is, as well as the title, and sharing how it came into my life, and why I believe its one of the most important books of all-time for every child and adult.   You'll never guess it, so don't even try.  =)  Be sure to subscribe to the newsletter for your chance to be the new owner of this one-of-a-kind "tattered tome" and hear the cool story behind it.  I think you'll enjoy it.

 With that, I send you all my love and gratitude for standing by me all these years ... and for taking this amazing journey with me.  I hope you will all stay in touch!

With Love, Light, Laughter & Limitlessness!
Daniel Smith

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Brief Comments from Dad

(1) Finances have made quite an improvement thanks to those of you who dug deeply in November and December. Daniel nearly got caught up. The only glitch is he still hasn't received his first pay checks as of today. Once the paychecks arrive he'll have most of the family's needs met. Still a little less than truly needed but hopefully his new Tec-employment income will steadily increase.

(2) The GoFundMe site, designed for those who are unfamiliar with his story, also received some appreciated donations over the holidays. Thank you for those of you who sent the link to family & friends.

The GoFundMe link is:

We all can rejoice that Daniel now has a job and is knit tightly with his family again. A fresh new life has come in all its splendor. Your sacrificial love has been like a box of presents every step of the way. We pray that your New Year will be your best it will be for Daniel and his family.

If you can help Daniel at this crucial time...until his paychecks come and he can fully meet his and his family's needs please consider doing so. I thank you for all your loving support throughout these years.

Any assistance can best be sent through PayPal's Send Money. When PayPal asks for the email to which your donation is to be sent, simply type (copy & paste does not work). Please either type:
or ...(both addresses go into the same account)

Some find it even simpler to just click the PayPal logo below:

If you prefer to send your donation conventionally: USPS, UPS, FedEx, etc. please send it to:

Larry Smith 9208 NE Highway 99, Suite 107-165 Vancouver, WA 98665-8986.
(This "suite" is simply a type of a post office box - with a street address.)

Please Note: It is still not possible for Daniel to have his own bank account while in custody at his house ~ that's why, I his father, receive it for him. To be deposited for Daniel's and his family's use it needs to be made out to Larry Smith.

Most Thankfully
Larry Smith
Daniel's Father

PS: RE: Future Daniel Smith Updates ~ I'll continue to send Updates to you regularly (health allowing) as we know you folks love Daniel and want to be kept informed.

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