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Glyphosate/Roundup and how to remove it

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Glyphosate/Roundup and how to remove it

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How Glyphosate can be broken down

in the body with Chlorine Dioxide

Look for the GREAT news at the end of this newsletter, but first I want to show you what the maker of Glyphosate says about it as well as the FDA, EPA and Wikipedia! Next, we will look at how TOXIC this substance is, and where it is being found on earth! Then, the best part, I will show you how to break it down into three usable molecules to be used safely in the body!

This is what your FDA is doing about it!

Are there any safety concerns about exposure to glyphosate?
The EPA evaluates the safety of pesticides such as glyphosate. According to EPA, glyphosate has a low toxicity for people. Pets may be at risk of digestive or intestinal problems if they touch or eat plants that have just been sprayed. In December 2017, the EPA issued a Draft Risk Assessments for Glyphosate concluding that glyphosate is not likely to be carcinogenic in humans.

One international organization (the International Agency for Research on Cancer) concluded that glyphosate may be a carcinogen, while several others, including the European Food Safety Authority and the Joint Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)/World Health Organization (WHO) Meeting on Pesticide Residues (JMPR), have determined that it is unlikely to be a carcinogen. Source:

Questions and Answers on Glyphosate
Glyphosate is a widely used herbicide that can kill certain weeds and grasses.

Here is what the EPA is doing about it!

EPA Won't Approve Warning Labels for Glyphosate

Aug. 12, 2019 -- Warning labels for the suspected cancer-causing weed killer glyphosate (Roundup) won't be approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer says glyphosate is "probably carcinogenic," which has led California to require warning labels on glyphosate products, the Associated Press reported.

However, California hasn't enforced the warning label rule because Roundup maker Monsanto last year obtained a court order blocking the warning labels until the lawsuit is resolved.

The EPA says its research shows the chemical poses no risks to public health and won't approve warning labels for glyphosate products, the AP reported. Source:

EPA Won't Approve Warning Labels for Glyphosate
Warning labels for the suspected cancer-causing weed killer glyphosate (Roundup) won't be approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

“In April 2019, EPA released the Glyphosate Proposed Interim Decision for public comment. As part of this action, EPA continues to find that there are no risks to public health when glyphosate is used in accordance with its current label and that glyphosate is not a carcinogen. “ source:

Glyphosate | US EPA
Glyphosate is a widely used herbicide that controls broadleaf weeds and grasses and has been in use since the 1970s.

Wikipedia’s Glyphosate explanation
Many regulatory and scholarly reviews have evaluated the relative toxicity of glyphosate as an herbicide. The German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment toxicology review in 2013 found that

A meta-analysis published in 2014 identified an increased risk of NHL in workers exposed to glyphosate formulations. In March 2015 the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer classified glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic in humans” (category 2A) based on epidemiological studies, animal studies, and in vitro studies. In November, 2015, the European Food Safety Authority published an updated assessment report on glyphosate, concluding that “the substance is unlikely to be genotoxic (I.e. damaging to DNA) or to pose a carcinogenic threat to humans.” Furthermore, the final report clarified that while other, probably carcinogenic, glyphosate-containing formulations may exist, studies “that look solely at the active substance glyphosate do not show this effect.” In May 2016, the Joint FAO/WHO Meeting on Pesticide Residues concluded that “glyphosate is unlikely to pose a carcinogenic risk to humans from exposure through the diet”, even at doses as high as 2,000 mg/kg body weight orally. In September 2016, a systematic review found no support for a causal relationship between glyphosate exposure and the risk of NHL or of multiple myeloma.

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G2Voice Broadcast #163 - How Glyphosate can

be broken down in the body with Chlorine Dioxide

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Weekly Testimonies

Jim Humble, thank you for your testimony about MMS/Chlorine Dioxide that uses sodium chlorite and hydrochloric acid! Something so simple that is so beneficial to eliminating diseases! You deserve a Nobel Peace Prize for your humanitarian work!? Edwin Bickel

I have never experienced any health problems because of using these CLO2 products and quite the opposite, they have cured me of many, many health concerns. Thanks again Jim!

We all use MMS daily. Pets too. It works. Thank You Jim Humble! Man deserves full recognition. Big Globalist Thugs don't want it known becuz they can't patent it & charge us a gazllion shekels per drop.

I recommend the treatment to anyone who has any symptoms of arterial plaque or heart problems. —K.B.Heroine

Free Thank you for giving our world MMS. I have personally helped quite a few people to get off a full-blown heroin addiction in three to four days only with 3/4 drop of MMS1 an hour. This is every hour when they are awake. I have also included MMS1 baths, using 25 drops of MMS1 per bath. I have personally assisted a hand full of people with 100% unbelievable results. —R. England

Lyme My husband contracted Lyme from a tick in southeastern Idaho spring 2015. In the first three months, his vital signs were fluctuating and he had horrible, painful, papular skin rashes which would break and bleed. We went from MD to MD. You know the story: They told us to go to a dermatologist. Lyme travels in “packs” with other “friends,” such as bartonella, mycoplasma, erlichiosis, etc. etc. and invites in new friends and even parasites. When my husband developed staph and was oozing ounces of yellow serum from his head, I forced him back to an MD, and the MD told us to change our laundry soap. Eight months post bite, when the last infectious disease specialist told him over his encrusted, split, bleeding legs that he was fat, lazy, and probably just wanted to collect a disability check, he left her office, slumped in his truck, and said a prayer. Within an hour he had found a naturopath who agreed to see him THAT NIGHT. She sent him home with herbal tinctures. The herxheimer for BOTH of us was bad. (I was infected via sexual contact with my husband after about two months of him becoming seriously ill—I didn’t know Lyme can be easily sexually spread and spread to fetuses in womb)...beginning those tinctures cemented my belief that herbs could work. That allowed me to open my mind to other things we found combing the internet. This is how we found Jim Humble. As we had actually visited India and became ill only two weeks before my husband was bitten by a tick, I wondered if he had something like Dengue Fever from India. We were both seriously ill in India and after returning home, for six weeks, but then my husband was bitten and continued being very ill. The MMS is what first stopped the serious rashes. We both took it internally for about three months. It worked so well, that I think we stopped it only due to the taste. I have since read others take it in juice. My husband would ask me to bathe his rash-ridden body in a glass of MMS wherein I’d used about 25-30 drops of MMS and then filled the oz glass with water. I also often added 1 T. DMSO to allow the MMS to penetrate through his skin layers to kill the nasty bartonella, which loves to reside in the skin layers. Anyone you see with permanent little “knobs” all over their face most likely has bartonella. Bartonella suppresses Lyme and then become the major offender. It can ultimately ruin the heart valves. My husband could feel the MMS working immediately on his skin. It was the only thing which stopped the painful, to-the-bone itching he suffered day after day (until we tried MMS on his skin). THANK YOU, Jim Humble, for being a humble warrior. May God bless you. We must tell everyone about MMS and stop the FDA rules from allowing our loved ones to suffer and die. My husband almost died at the hands of MDs who actually REFUSED treatment. I quoted to the doctor in front of my husband whose vital signs were fluctuating: “The Merck Medical Manual states that if patient has recently returned from a tropical or third-world country, and has fever, rashes, breathing issues, bloodshot eyes, etc., do not wait to detect exact pathogen, but begin treatment immediately with broad-spectrum antibiotic and anti-parasitic.” This doctor REFUSED. He was dead-set on finding the EXACT pathogen, whilst my sweet, poor husband was delirious and almost stopped breathing some nights. It sometimes seems the MDs would rather see us all dead. Hello? I am speechless after all of this. Only herbs, MMS, and regular supplements like calcium/magnesium and Co-Q-10 helped. The MDs took lots of money and some even refused to test him for Lyme. I am so done with them. My husband thinks he is recovered now, nine months later. MMS works. Thank you, Jim Humble!!!!!! God bless you!!!!!!! Spread the word, everyone! —D. USA

Cancer Gone Thank you Jim! My family still makes and takes your MMS. We will not change. So far 3 of my family members went to the doctors and their machines said the cancers are completely gone. What a blessing you have given. Cancer behind my mom’s eyes — Gone. Lymphnode cancer under the armpits of my mom — Gone. Lung cancer of my ex-wife — Gone. My cousin’s father-in-law was bed ridden and doctor gave him a month to live. He took MMS and now is hiking trails and up small mountains. We administered it according to Jim’s protocols. We used the doctors in that we went through the process of the doctors all along waiting for the scans to tell us what we knew, but needed clinical proof that it was gone. Doctor’s don’t understand what happened. We just say, “We changed their diet.” —D.M.

Strep Throat Infection I recently have had a serious problem with a strep throat infection which did spread to my kidneys causing severe pain and discomfort constant coughing and choking. I decided to follow the 1000 protocol with MMS. After only three days all symptoms have gone and I am feeling so much better. Thank you. —M., UK

Suffering from Coronary Artery Disease Since 1996 I just had to tell the World...I was suffering from coronary artery disease since 1996 after having 2 heart attacks - 6 months apart. Doctors were offering a partial bypass surgery but I wasn’t satisfied with opening my chest just to partially and temporary fix my heart, so I was looking into all sorts of unconventional procedures and treatments. I had Chelation Therapy; Chelation Therapy with Plaquex (that actually made things a lot better); Oral Chelation from several places; ongoing vitamins and minerals, CQ10, lots of garlic, Straus Drops etc. Nothing actually did more than make me feel a touch better and I still had to take my medication and my Nitro Patch daily. Just recently I came across your MMS solution. I was fixing a computer for some old guy and he mentioned MMS. We got talking and he gave me a bottle of MMS and a bottle of Citrus and I promised I would give it a try. And I am so happy that I did. I have to say, I may be a little premature in saying certain things but the way I feel I just couldn’t keep it locked inside anymore. I was scared, to be honest, so I started very carefully with just a drop every hour but not more than 8 times a day. Then I started to take 2 drops every 2 hours again up to 8 drops. I was about to start taking more (after 2 weeks) when a started to feel exceptionally better. You have to understand, I was living with a daily dose of Angina Pains for years. I would go to bed at night and first had to wait for my heart to calm down enough not to echo inside my ears and to slow down so that I can fall asleep. I could not walk more than a block and a half without having to stop and wait for pain to go away...But now, after just 2 weeks, I started to feel totally different. I was not having any pain. At first, I couldn’t believe it but then I started to test myself. I would walk faster and further - nothing. I would walk up stairs - nothing. I would then run upstairs and NOTHING! No pain. I knew I needed to get into shape because I was losing my breath but there was no pain. There was only a great feeling of happiness for feeling like I use to when I was younger... I know that MMS did this. There is nothing else that could have been making this turnaround in my health. I want to tell everyone. I want to tell people and I wish someone could show me the best way to do that in a way that people would believe me and not think that I am just trying to sell them something. In any way, I thank the person whom computer I fixed and who gave me the Miracle Solution and I thank you Jim for coming up with this brilliant solution and for giving it to the World unselfishly. —N.B.

A review from Dr. Leonard Horowitz

World Without Disease by Mark Grenon is Imaginable and Prophetic.

April 15, 2019

“Imagine a World Without Disease. Is it Possible? is an outstanding compilation of enlightening facts that Divine justice calls into question at these urgent ‘End Times.’ Civilization is now threatened with extinction by corporate fascists, government officials, and their minions of so-called science experts in ‘healthcare’ and biological warfare. Their damage demonstrates their criminal psychopathology, demonic possession, and unGodly impositions. These Deep State stewards of profitable depopulation, geopolitical and economic chaos, and human misery have a karmic destiny that is inescapable. Mark S. Grenon puts a nail in their coffin with this life-saving labor of love. I especially recommend his book for people awakening from their hypno-tronic trance states into the real world of physical salvation and spiritual restoration.”
Review by Dr. Leonard Horowitz

See our interview with Dr. Leonard Horwitz


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“Imagine, A World Without DIS-EASE Is it Possible?

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Take Your G2Sacraments on the road with you!

Keeping the G2Church Sacraments with you at all times is a must in this TOXIC world. It is getting worse every day especially with the poisons found in medications , processed foods and being sprayed in the air on the heavily populated areas of the world! From purifying the water you drink to dealing with allergic reactions from toxins or just daily detoxing the body, the G2Sacraments can keep you healthy in an unhealthy world! We at the G2Church are working hard to keep the donations for our sacraments as inexpensive as possible while other providers are charging double in many cases! There are three main reasons to obtain your sacraments from us:

  1. We ensure that your sacraments are prepared correctly which effects the results! We have tested many of the so-called providers and found the solutions to be weak and NOT as effective!

  2. We can help guide you with the Sacramental protocols whereas others may or may not know how to use the protocols and are only providing products that might not even be made correctly!

  3. We try to keep the donation for the basic kits at around $20 US.

NOTE: The donations received by the G2Church go into helping others around the world!

Many people ask us about carrying G2Church Sacraments while traveling. Well, now you can have them with you all the time with the NEW G2Church Travel Kit! The bottle sizes are small enough to carry on the plane with you!

Travel Kit ... ravel-kit/

How Glyphosate can be broken down

in the body with Chlorine Dioxide

Look for the GREAT news at the end of this newsletter, but first I want to show you what the maker of Glyphosate says about it as well as the FDA, EPA and Wikipedia! Next, we will look at how TOXIC this substance is, and where it is being found on earth! Then, the best part, I will show you how to break it down into three usable molecules to be used safely in the body!

This is what your FDA is doing about it!

Are there any safety concerns about exposure to glyphosate?
The EPA evaluates the safety of pesticides such as glyphosate. According to EPA, glyphosate has a low toxicity for people. Pets may be at risk of digestive or intestinal problems if they touch or eat plants that have just been sprayed. In December 2017, the EPA issued a Draft Risk Assessments for Glyphosate concluding that glyphosate is not likely to be carcinogenic in humans.

One international organization (the International Agency for Research on Cancer) concluded that glyphosate may be a carcinogen, while several others, including the European Food Safety Authority and the Joint Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)/World Health Organization (WHO) Meeting on Pesticide Residues (JMPR), have determined that it is unlikely to be a carcinogen. Source: ... glyphosate

Here is what the EPA is doing about it!

EPA Won't Approve Warning Labels for Glyphosate

Aug. 12, 2019 -- Warning labels for the suspected cancer-causing weed killer glyphosate (Roundup) won't be approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer says glyphosate is "probably carcinogenic," which has led California to require warning labels on glyphosate products, the Associated Press reported.

However, California hasn't enforced the warning label rule because Roundup maker Monsanto last year obtained a court order blocking the warning labels until the lawsuit is resolved.

The EPA says its research shows the chemical poses no risks to public health and won't approve warning labels for glyphosate products, the AP reported. Source: ... glyphosate

“In April 2019, EPA released the Glyphosate Proposed Interim Decision for public comment. As part of this action, EPA continues to find that there are no risks to public health when glyphosate is used in accordance with its current label and that glyphosate is not a carcinogen. “ source: ... glyphosate

Wikipedia’s Glyphosate explanation
Many regulatory and scholarly reviews have evaluated the relative toxicity of glyphosate as an herbicide. The German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment toxicology review in 2013 found that

A meta-analysis published in 2014 identified an increased risk of NHL in workers exposed to glyphosate formulations. In March 2015 the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer classified glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic in humans” (category 2A) based on epidemiological studies, animal studies, and in vitro studies. In November, 2015, the European Food Safety Authority published an updated assessment report on glyphosate, concluding that “the substance is unlikely to be genotoxic (I.e. damaging to DNA) or to pose a carcinogenic threat to humans.” Furthermore, the final report clarified that while other, probably carcinogenic, glyphosate-containing formulations may exist, studies “that look solely at the active substance glyphosate do not show this effect.” In May 2016, the Joint FAO/WHO Meeting on Pesticide Residues concluded that “glyphosate is unlikely to pose a carcinogenic risk to humans from exposure through the diet”, even at doses as high as 2,000 mg/kg body weight orally. In September 2016, a systematic review found no support for a causal relationship between glyphosate exposure and the risk of NHL or of multiple myeloma.

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