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Hey everyone,
I want to update everyone on the latest information about the Grenon's case. After 935 days being held in a Federal jail in Miami, we were denied by the Southern District of Florida Court our Habeas Corpus and the discharge of our case by Judge Cecelia Altonaga after it was sent to her from the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta, Georgia.
Yesterday, my three sons and I were called in for a hearing with the same judge. Joseph and I had told the court we were not the ALL CAPS name but living men created by God. After Joe and I denied again to have an attorney we told the court as men we speak for ourselves. I told the judge my sons and I wish to have our case discharged and our bodies released. She would not answer me! I then said, let the record reflect the judge did not respond. Jonathan then asked the judge to discharge the case also and the judge did not respond either. Then he told the judge that we are petitioning the Supreme Court for a hearing about our case. Then Jordan raised his hand to speak and the judge allowed him to speak. He quoted a Supreme Court ruling, Self v. Rhey that basically says that "Common law is the law of the land and codes, rules, regulations, policies and statutes are not". Remember we are being accused of violating a FDA code, NOT a law. See 1st Amendment.
Then Jordan read another Supreme Court ruling stating that, " All codes, rules, and regulations are only for Government not humans created in accordance with God's laws. All code, rules and regulations are unconstitutional and lacks due process. Rodriquez v. Ray Donovan. He also mentioned Cruden v. Neale which says" Everyman is independent of all the laws except those prescribed by nature. He is not bound by any institutions formed by his fellowman without his consent." Jordan read that the Supreme Court warned that many citizens because what appears to be lawful like statutory rules, regulations, codes and ordinances are cunningly coerced into waving their rights due to ignorance on real law. United States v. Minker.
After he read those cases, he asked the judge if he could see her "oath of Office". She would not answer him. He said let the record reflect that the judge refused to answer. Then he asked the prosecutors if they had a license to practice law. They also did not answer. He then said that he did not consent to these proceedings. Jordan read Psalm 119:161-168. The judge then wanted to immediately adjourn the court. And the judge, prosecutors, U.S. Marshals and stand-by attorneys were standing to leave when Joseph spoke up to speak they all sat down.
Joseph told the judge that he wanted our case discharged also. The judge did not answer him that question either. Joseph said let the record reflect the judge did not answer him also. He then asked the judge if she believed that the Holy Scriptures are true and the basis of Natural Law. She did not respond to his questions but just looked at him. Joseph then said that as a living man he is commanded to go into all the world and preach the Gospel and heal the sick. He said that he believed that our Church, Our beliefs and Creed were being attacked and his God-given unalienable rights were being violated. He then told the court our Church's Creed which is:

  1. Do Good Deeds, 2. Do What Is Right, 3. Good Health To All Mankind, 4. Freedom For All Mankind, 5. Enlightening Others With Truth, 6. Helping One Another, 7. Maintain Integrity In All Things.
    He then read Matthew 22:37-40 which basically says to love God with all one's heart, soul,mind and strength and love our neighbors as ourselves. That is what we are being stopped to do worldwide. He ended with saying that he prays that all those that are present will come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and have Eternal Life with our Creator.
    Jonathan then raised his hand and said I have something to say to the court also. Isn't it amazing how when Light and Truth is spoken that darkness wants to flee! He said, what do the Biblical and Historical people have in common like Goliath, Haman, Pharaoh, Herod, the Pharisees, the Romans, Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Fidel Castro and the Dictator of Romania Nicolae Ceausescu? I believe they are all bullies. A "Bully" is one who is habitually cruel, insulting or threatening to others who are weaker, smaller or in some way vulnerable. He said that in the Bible you will read that bullies do not have the final say and their end is a sure thing. He gave examples of Goliath's end, king Herod dying instantly and being eating up by worms in front of the people. The Roman Empire, Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, and finally the Romanian Dictator that 100s of thousands of people stood against in 1989 after he attacked Pastor Lazlo Tokes for preaching God's Word! Pastor Tokes quoted to his people what Martin Luther said, " Here I stand, I can do nothing else, if I die, then I die". Many came to protect the pastor and it grew to almost one million people! Soon there after the dictator was convicted and executed.
    Jonathan said that by the pastor dying to himself he changed the country but the dictator who lived for himself was swept into the dustbin of history! He told the judge that he believed the Scripture that says in Galatians 6:9, that a man sows what he reaps! He then read Psalm 94:20-23 that basically says that the wicked who fight against the righteous will be dealt with by God Himself. The courtroom was silent as he recalled how Elijah stood against the prophets of baal and said, If baal be god serve him but if the Lord be God serve Him, choose today. Jonathan then shared with all those there John 3:16-21, how that God's Son gave Himself for the world and Light has come and men love the darkness rather then the Light.
    After Jonathan spoke I had something to say as well. I told the court how that I believe we have been falsely accused and in Deuteronomy 19:15-21 the Bible shows us how an accusation should be dealt with and how the accuser needs to be brought forth to settle the controversy. If the accuser is found to be a false witness then the things the false accuser wanted to happen to his brother will be judged against him after the judge makes a diligent inquisition. There should be no pity upon a false accuser. Then I read in Ezra 7:25-26 how that judges and magistrates are suppose to judge according to God's Laws whoever will not adhere to God's Law will have a " judgement executed upon that man or woman speedily unto death, banishment, confiscation of goods or to imprisonment". I ended how that I believe that all that occurred here today is recorded in the Throne Room of Heaven in the presence of the Judge of All, and one day all will give an account to The King of Kings and The Lord of Lords, Jesus:The Christ. May God's Judgment and Truth prevail. Thank you. The judge then dismissed us all.

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