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Spiritual Awakening

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Spiritual Awakening

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Spiritual Awakening

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 The following are excerpts from the chapter `Spiritual Awakening` of `Your Soul`s Gift: Discovering the Healing Power of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born` by Robert Schwartz (2012).  Here, the author is having a conversation with Jeshua Ben Joseph (Jesus), asking questions about personality vs. soul and `spiritual awakening` via spiritual channel, Pamela Kribbe.

 `Can you say more,` I asked Jeshua, `about what it means to spiritually awaken?`
 `A spiritual awakening means that you become more aware of your soul, your greater Self, your divine essence.  It means you realize there`s more to you than your physical body and your present personality.  You become aware of a dimension that transcends the realm of the visible, and you feel guided by that realm.
 `Spiritual awakenings can happen in a variety of ways.  Some people just catch a glimpse of the realm of their soul in certain moments.  Others experience a shift in their experience that will cause them to make lasting changes in their lives.  Generally, spiritual awakening means that one lets go of many preconceives ideas.  There is a knowingness that there`s more to life than can be grasped by the mind, that there`s meaning behind the seemingly arbitrary events in your life, and that there is a greater force at work in the Universe that wants to guide you to achieve peace and joyful self-expression.
 `Spiritual awakening is an ongoing process, not a one-time event, ` Jeshua concluded.  `It is a gradual MERGING WITH YOUR SOUL WHILE YOU ARE IN YOUR EARTHLY BODY.`
 `Was my awakening planned by me, my soul, or BOTH MY SOUL AND ME?`
 `Both..  You are a PART of your soul; you are not a separate being.  However, the personality growing out of the soul with each incarnation has a kind of independence.  It has its own say in the life plan, and therefore I say `both`.`
 `At what point in the pre-birth planning process did I come into existence?`
 `To speak in terms of time is problematic here,` said Jeshua.  `The soul is eternal, and since you are part of the soul, not separate, so are you.  The soul gives birth to you DURING the pre-birth planning process IN THE SENSE OF A POTENTIALITY BECOMING REALIZED.  The potential is already there in a way that cannot be described in human terms.  It`s not important to grasp this with the mind.  The personality is an ASPECT of the soul that is RELEASED by the soul AT THE TIME OF INCARNATION.  Although it remains connected to the soul, it is also independent of it in that it can make its own choices.  This is necessary, for how else would the soul be able to learn and to experience new things through the personality?  The personality is meant to explore life on its own and to have choice to align with the soul or not.  That is why it is meaningless to place judgments of right and wrong on the personality`s behavior.  The personality is the learning and growing part of the soul.`
 `Where was I before then, and what was I doing?` I asked.
 `You, as the personality you are now, were dormant within your soul, not yet brought alive into material manifestation.  YOU ARE LIKE A SEED CARRIED IN THE WOMB OF YOUR SOUL.
 `Is the soul already and always awake?  If so, why does the soul need or want to create a personality that experiences a spiritual awakening?`
 `The soul is not awake entirely,` Jeshua explained.  `It has a larger perspective than the human personality, but it is also growing and evolving.  It longs to explore life and to enlarge its consciousness.  It longs to experience creativity and joy and to continuously expand its boundaries in that regard.  Life is endless and always moving.
 `Also, the soul desires to be awake and manifest WHILE IN HUMAN FORM.  Its easier to be awake if you are not in human form, not having to deal with the human limitations of ignorance and fear.  So, the personality is, in fact, the most courageous part of the soul, the vessel through which the soul incarnates on Earth.  To be awake and present in human form is deeply desirable for the soul, because IT IS ONLY IN MATTER THAT IT CAN FULLY EXPRESS ITS POTENTIAL, its creativity.  The soul wishes to ENLIGHTEN MATERIAL REALITY FROM THE INSIDE OUT and finds deep satisfaction in this.`
 `Jeshua, are there degrees of awakening?`
 `Yes, there are.  There are moments of alignment with the soul, which you experience as flashes of truth or guidance, and there are more lasting states of awakening.  It is even possible to become more or less PERMANENTLY ALIGNED WITH THE SOUL.  THIS IS WHAT ALL OF YOU AIM FOR.  It is wise, however, to accept that it is a gradual process in which you slowly open to your soul`s reality.`
 `Jeshua, respectfully, may I ask if you yourself are fully awake?`  I felt somewhat uncomfortable asking this question, but it seemed both reasonable and important.  `And were you fully awake in your incarnation as Jeshua?  Did you experience degrees of awakening in that lifetime?`
 `I am awake, but I am still learning and evolving.  Even here we are transcending our boundaries always, expressing ourselves in new ways and thereby finding out more about who we are..  In my lifetime as Jeshua, I was at times fully aligned with my soul, but there were also darker moments in which I lost faith and doubted my mission.  I was a human being like you.  I did experience a growth of awakening at the time prior to my death.  At that time it required great clarity and persistence to keep my faith in the face of my oncoming death.  I was visited by fear and doubt, but I also experienced grace and surrender toward the end.  I was human in my life on Earth, not a god who had transcended all human emotion.  I was born with a high sense of self-awareness, and this was part of my pre-birth plan.  My personality was able to succumb to my soul`s mission in that lifetime, but I did not achieve this without going through the very human emotions of fear, doubt, and anger.`
 [... much here - best to read if interested]
 `You are going into a next phase of awakening.  During the first phase, you experienced a deep connection with your soul that truly fulfilled you.  Now, a deeper layer of your soul wants to come to Earth, bringing in more love and wisdom to share with people and to give to yourself.`
 I have come to know that we who incarnate on Earth are among the most courageous beings in existence.  We are revered throughout the Universe for having the bravery to assume physical form on one of the most challenging of planets.  Consider for a moment what you did in coming here.  In the nonphysical realm you knew yourself to be limitless.  You created instantly with thought.  You were able to see literally in all directions.  You communicated telepathically.  You were in perfect health and did not age.  You were in a state of unity with All That Is, knowing yourself to be one with God and every other being.  You were awash in the vibration of all-encompassing love, peace, and joy.
 You then chose to place yourself in a physical body and confine your perception to those of the five senses.  You removed yourself (seemingly) from all-enveloping Love in order to experience an environment in which fear often predominates.  You planned great challenges.  You then chose to forget both your true identity and every aspect of the realm from which you came.  You did all this to foster evolution of your soul.
 To veil yourself from your own grandeur and magnificence is an act of extraordinary courage.
 Now, as you awaken, you recall yourself as Divinity Incarnate.

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Dr Michael Newton led the field of Life Between Lives for 5+ decades.

Dr Newton's 1st Book
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Destiny of Souls - New Case Studies of Life Between Lives.pdf
Dr Newtons second book
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A short intro to Dr. Michael Newton's groundbreaking work:

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