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the Case for and Legend of Origin of our Species

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the Case for and Legend of Origin of our Species

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Many Cultures around the globe for 10,000 years and longer have laid claims to our origins, not as told in Bible persay, but of a joining of the young hominid forest biped and the ancient travelers who were likely the ones responsible for the megaliths, the huge stones cut, the arrangement and building of Pyramids and many other structures far older than the recent flood...The Roman coliseum is built upon an ancient landing pad, The Nazca lines, visible only from flight, the accuracy of alignments of Pyramids to North and other mathematics, all unknown to us heathens till recently. What we do not know we do not for 1000s of years the Pyramids have stood aligned to North and other math. What do we not know today that has been there in plain sight all along?

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Listen to what the Ancients believe.
Religion is a control dis-empower us and to create a dependency on an imaginary friend to rely on rather than take action ourselves.

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These ancient tablets hold the secrets of our true history because they contain evidence of the oldest recorded events in history. The main focus of study is looking at the first occurrences of themes, stories and language found in the archeological record, and then comparing them to the historical record. The consistencies between them may reveal our true history. By looking at the original tablets, some dated thousands of years before the Bible, that were utilized to make up our borrowed stories. The Sumerian was one of the first cultures of humankind. It was developed between 5300 BC and 2000 BC, it is still one of the most advanced civilizations known to have existed on Earth. Sitchin claims the cuneiform text describe an alien race named the “Anunnaki” who came to the earth from an undiscovered planet in our Solar System, beyond Neptune called Nibiru.

Many people forget we were people before Jesus..and many cutures and millions of people existed long before 3 wisemen traveled to Bethlehem

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The ancients had a far and wide perspective on the Solar system, astronomy, Astrology and Conscious experience transmuted from wave to particle.

To quote from Daniel

Go now, Daniel, for what I have said is kept secret and sealed until the time of the end. Many will be purified, cleansed, and refined by these trials. But the wicked will continue in their wickedness, and none of them will understand. Only those who are wise will know what it means.

After 2000 or more years Human Kind has wandered the desert quest seeking knowledge of who we is, we have MUCH information now ready to be further understood.

While The MAYAN Factor, beyond Technology is the best resource I can recommend on the Mayan knowledge of who we are, and what is forecast including the current end times, Revelations I was unable to locate a pdf for you to review. If you ever get a chance, The Mayan Factor is a MUST READ for any seeking higher wisdom left us by the Ancient Maya. Do not confuse Inca Indian Peoples for the Ancient Maya, that would be like comparing an ancient advanced civilization to a more Earthly version of consciousness.

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1000s of researchers today are beginning to lift the veil placed upon the eyes of humankind by the Roman Catholic Church and in recent times, the NWO Globalists.

Our past is not anything like we have been taught. We have been taught to look outside for 'assistance' when the answers always have lay within each of us.

The end of the age Dec 21 2012 signaled the end of 26,000 cycle we know as the procession, the wobble of Earth on its axis to view the heavens which signal and cue our consciousness state of being and themes we possess and endure as we convert the wave of consciousness to a particle experience.

The ancients had more technology and better understanding than we have today. When we give up our fixation on us being the apple of the eye of God.. and realize we are a GMO species designed for specific purposes and with held certain aspects of Divinity...we may begin to understand what Daniel told us 2600 years ago and what Jesus offered 2000 years ago. Jesus has been misinterpreted on several points. The circle game of whispering something in one sear in a different language over 2000 years and then the end person says X... ya'll know the game.. and the what is said at end of 2000 years circle whisper game is not what was said originally.

There are many mistranslated, misinterpretations and deliberate alterations of the Biblical pages in order to derail Humanities ever increasing knowledge of who we are so others could control us.

While many want to believe the Bible is the word of God and everything else, ie Astrology, is the work of the other guy... what if that was inverted. What if the pages of the Bible were ,manipulated by the nefarious for reasons of control, power, sex and more. While some of the Historical aspects of the Biblical pages have a basis in History, much has been misrepresented in order to control power over us.

As what has been hidden till end times is now available to us, we can begin to expand our understandings in technicolor and begin to recognize who we are, why we are, who created us and why. The records that predate the Bible era are very clear cast across millions of pages tablets scrolls artifacts and more. There is more evidence and information outside the Bible than within the Bible as to the truth of who we are.

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the tablets the old testament are based on are the Sumerian tablets that the Judeahites the TRUE Jews rely on as source materials as I have. The Biblical stories are a very shortened version of these tablets well known to me and others but over looked by Christians who have been deceived by those who as you know, stole the Church so to speak. This 52 minutes is for you.

here at about 1 hour 7 mins the tale/truth of how we were created according to the ancient Sumerian records that are our earliest records of times 10s and 100s of 1000s of years in the past..

This website appears to have LOTS of information across a spectrum. It also however links to Ancient Origins which I do not find credible ... eering.php

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UFO's anyone? While UFO's have been seen for 1000s of years, in 1947 prior to Roswell they were seen along several places of West Coast, these pics in 1981 Kelsey Bay area. ... page47.htm UFO's, not just in area 51 or Roswell New Mexico @Jordan_Sather_
Published on Jan 23, 2018
A series of stunning archaeology discoveries on man's origins have been made in a Siberian cave. The significance of the cave is immense, and the experts are convinced it has more secrets to give up on human origins. Most importantly, the cave is the only known instance to date of the Denisovans, a newly identified species of giant human being. They are a mysterious relative of the Neanderthals who are thought to have roamed the plains of Siberia and east Asia long before modern humans arrived on the continent.

They are now thought to have inhabited Eastern Eurasia from around 400,000 years down to around 40,000 years ago (and arguably much later stil). During their final years the Denisovans achieved an advanced level of human behaviour, including the creation of sophisticated symbolic or non-functional objects including an arm bracelet in bottle-green chloritolite with a bored hole that can only have been made using a high-speed drill; a bone needle with an eye for thread, suggesting the manufacture of tailored clothing.

Erich Von Daniken's Chariots of the Gods 2017 Special Edition ... B00O6N7FF0

Published on Jan 22, 2017

Erich Von Daniken's Chariots of the Gods 50th Anniversary Multi-Media Event of the year, held at London's historic Princess Anne Theatre, BAFTA 195, Piccadilly, London on October 15, 2016 is now showcased on VIMEO )& exclusively on

The Gala Night was aired live, and was attended by national and international press, leading researchers, scientists, doctors, , military personnel, critics, TV & Media executives.
Erich Von Daniken's electrifying presentation was complemented by an immersive multi-media experience designed specifically for this auspicious night. Special guest appearances included Giorgio Tsaukolos, a star of the highly successful TV Series Ancient Aliens, presenting Erich Von Daniken with the StellarCitizenAward from Zohar Entertainment Group & Media Invest Entertainment.
This 2.5 hr Special Edition features unique insights into Erich's illustrious career as an author and researcher, showcases Erich's contribution to Science, Literature, TV & Documentaries and much much more. Over 30 minutes of never seen before bonus footage, including - congratulation video messages from Erich's family, friends and colleagues.
Its been an amazing collaboration with a multitude of organisations, and we are truly honoured to have journeyed through Erich's extraordinary career whilst working behind the scenes.

Two pics of Athens Greece from 1970s show ancient ruins built atop a flat ruin...spoke of in the Enki tablets created in Sumeria 6500 years ago.

Greece 1.JPG
Greece 2.JPG

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this story was covered when orbs appeared in Alberni Valley 2 weeks apart in 2005. I no longer have the video, these are stills from local TV NEWS station. ... page47.htm


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2,164,996 views•Sep 25, 2017

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“Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning.” Devoured by his curiosity, Christopher C. Doyle, in his talk, constantly questioned the stated facts of history and literature. He tried to answer the unanswered questions regarding the Mahabharata and other histories of the world through scientific explanations and reasoning. Christopher C. Doyle is an author who transports the reader into a fascinating world where ancient secrets buried in legends blend with science and history to create a gripping story. His first bestseller ‘The Mahabharata Secret’ was a great success and now has a trilogy under its label. Mr. Doyle is one of the first Indian writers to upload an online novella for his readers. Before he embarked on this literary adventure he pursued a career in the corporate world and is a graduate from St Stephens College and IIM Calcutta. Christopher C. Doyle’s books are a beautiful mosaic of science, history and mythology with a dash of Dan Brown which makes him the most adored fantasy writer in India.

Christopher C. Doyle is an author who transports the reader into a fascinating world where ancient secrets buried in legends blend with science and history to create a gripping story. His first bestseller ‘The Mahabharata Secret’ was a great success and now has a trilogy under its label. Mr. Doyle is one of the first Indian writers to upload an online novella for his readers. Before he embarked on this literary adventure he pursued a career in the corporate world and is a graduate from St Stephens College and IIM Calcutta. Christopher C. Doyle’s books are a beautiful mosaic of science, history and mythology with a dash of Dan Brown which makes him the most adored fantasy writer in India.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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that is quite interesting..and contrasted against the Sumerian info, I can see a ...well yes,,, other lines, pre Adam the Sumerian record uses different terms but the story is more/less same...where the idea of lines pre Adamu are concerned.
Fits a line of thinking I am developing.
The Sumerian record, at least to me, indicates a number of contributors to the dev of our species could have been used/in play.
Gretchen, what the Sumerian records shows is the DNA splice of a forest hominid and their species. I suspect "Their" to be the red hair elongated skull people
briefly, they needed a slave species to, tend chores, animals, and mine gold. Eventually some of the in your term 'fallen angels' mated w/daughters of man but I'm getting closer to later part of story and I wish to speak to Creation of our species as written 6500 years ago.

At 1st they used their sperm and the egg from a forest hominid. In a Crystal bowl the egg was injected and then put to the womb of the Hominid.
This did not however yield the being they were seeking and many many times did the resplice/inject and reinsert egg to hominid. This was not getting the thumbed being w/speach capabilities they sought. Eventually after many failed attempts they did the splice ina clay bowl and injected to womb of their top female scientist who carried to fruition the 1st Adamu who was not sexual but did have the capabilities sought.

For a period of time they manually injected the eggs and inserted in womb/s and eventually they got to cloning but this was all very time consuming and they needed more workers sooner than later for the crew they came w/were tiring of the task of mining, tending chores.
This was about 250K ago and they had been working for about 200K before we were brought about.

So, then they added the sex 'genes' to Adam , created a female.. and well the Bible more/less carries the story from there. Genesis is the much shorter version of a much longer version of the story than I have paraphrased here today.

We know who some of the sperm donors were. And so lets break that down for a second.

Ea, aka Enki..being one. I suspect the more angry seed comes from Enlil or that Enlil had something to do w/the darker shades of human personality for Enlil was vehemently opposed to GMOing a species into being but acquiesced due to the mission/work they were doing.

Jumping ahead Enlil was happy to see us wiped by flood 12K years ago, but that didn't quite happen, Noah being a son of Enki, Noah was given the instructions and the Bible sorta tells the story from there.

end part 1/

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part 2
Post flood Enlil did finally see the value to us dumbed down truncated healing/longevity genes, red haired step children..we have smaller brains...120 year life spans..we're the step child/cousin but eventually Enlil who was head of the Mission did acquiesce and found value to our being as conscious creatures (not all were) and post flood changed his tune and accepted us into his heart so to speak.

I suspect Enlil placed something in the blood lines at some point that was a self destruct mechanism..I suspect this was placed in at least one specific line...and I suspect that line to be the Hebrew/Jewish darkJews..

SO I think there is something to what you state about pre adama blood lines..

Now many people have read the books of Zacharia Sitchen and I have read only one , Lost Book of Enki, which imo is a must read for any seeking this topic of creation, who we are where we came from, why.

Some state ZS made stuff up, mistranslated etc so I look elsewhere for interpretations of the Sumerian record/s. I don't take my talking points from ZS persay but from a number of authors and presentations.

Sitchen was 1st to decipher/decode/read the Sumerian texts and there may be room for improvements in his work but for baseline...his work Enki is sufficient for me at this time.

I'll hafta spend some time and review Thoth, Emerald tablets.

Its a MUCH bigger story than I have shared here told in millions of clay cuneiform tablets that speak to our creation, who what why, 1000s of years before Jesus arrived or Jerusalem was under siege.

I'll end this by stating, I think each color/race was created to serve different masters, so slaves could not be misplaced..They who created us fought bitterly...and we are not unlike them
A point to note, they believe in evolution but not the same as Darwin. Earth beinga younger evolving planet, for them to interupt natural development and create a species was against their religion/belief system. They knew the gravity of doing so..resisted, eventually giving in 250K years ago and creating the 1st lines of our species and maybe others..

They gave us math science astrology farming animal husbandry etc..all "suddenly" springing up 6500 years ago in Sumeria..they gave seeds, and animals either created them or...brought down w/.

For me Enki filled in several blanks and while some of the info parallels Biblical info, the Enki info is far greater in girth than Genesis.

I don't claim to have the story accurate..but have tossed a few pieces of that information on the bonfire of discussion this topic is.

Enki and more can be found in this thread ... =216&t=483

the Case for and Legend of Origin of our Species -

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a few additional notes

we have evidence of Humans 250K in S Africa.

US went to Iraq not just for the Oil.
Saddam Hussein believed he was the re-incarnation of Ebekenezer, spelt wrong..who held Jerusalem under seige 2700 ish ago which is when teh Ark Covenant and other artifacts were hidden in Jeremiah?Jedidiahs grotto outside Jerusalem wals to be found in 1982 by Ron Wyatt.

Ity is my position US went to Iraq not just for the oil but also to destroy the ancient records discovered and not, still hidden in the sands of desert Iraq. Iraq Syria etc is where Sumeria was/is.

US let the Iraq Museum be looted completely before locking it down. ALL antiquities were lost/stolen/hidden.

By destroying the ancient record/s of who we really are they who were pulling US strings (Israel) could install their one world odor religion...

we have elongated red haired skulls found all over the Globe...

Saddam was seeking the Portal, some state US found one of the Vihama? spelt wrong flying machines...IDK.

imo the ancient world was much more sophisticated than even we are today..and there is PLENTY of evidence megalithic structures were cut w/a wheel/saw on lathes and more technology we do not yet understand.

100 years ago we could not understand the clay/crystal bowl GMO DNA we clone/manipulate DNA easily.

w/Jesus being 24 chromosomes, I suspect they GMO'd JC into Mary's womb...and that Jesus was a messenger, a gift to us boneheads to be an example, to show the way, illuminate our path to be better than the animal natured beings we all too often are. This gift of Jesus..has had mixed results imo. Much manipulated/misrepresented IMO what Jesus taught said spoke stood for..

The Torah holding Judeahites see Jesus as a prophet and not as magical so to speak as Christian belief system. It has been suggested Jesus missing years were spent in India or East learning and or teaching before he reappears in his 30s. Again IDK, but like any puzzle pieces fit and don't.

Again you may see why I asked if you've read the Sumerian info..I feel part of what you seek may lie within those tablets/info and should you ever contrast Enki/Sumerian records info against the Biblical narrative/info, I'm interested in your take aways.

PPS, Reiss map, shows no ice on Antarctica..made in 1513 from 20+ other ancient maps
Ezechial? the one who mapped out the flying castle..a bigger story exists.

They knew the flood was coming.
It may be as Mammoths were froze mid chew when comet frag hit that somebody was froze mid chew in Antarctica...somebody flew over it as we have the no ice on map/s.

There is much more to our History than is commonly known.

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Victor Camacho (06-18-19) Forbidden Archaeology & Possible ET Origins

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100s of artifacts show saucers ET baby exchange spheres and more ... 216&t=1911

Pete Kelly
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Incredible revelations from the Yucatan over the last few years.

What an incredible time for Archaeology.

Watch my latest full length history documentary:-



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this is an excellent documentary, I watched it back in 16, and in 17 it was taken down, by chance..urge of consciousness maybe ..I took a look and Viola! I'm downloading it this time..

Von Daniken speaks to some of the Biblical errors and compares some legends stories across cultures and much much more

Erich Von Daniken Legacy Night. On October 15, 2016, The Princess Anne Theatre, BAFTA, 195 Piccadilly was the venue for an evening where a keynote presentation by Erich von Däniken who showcased his most monumental and influential speeches and describes his findings and breakthroughs in developing the Ancient Astronaut Theory.

Erich explains how something is wrong with our past. There exist structures that could not have been created by technologically-untrained Stone Age peoples. There are global petroglyphs and religious rituals that are all related to each other. There are writings of ancient historians reporting on cultures and data about which the official archaeology field wants to know nothing.

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also re flood, if a fragment of a Comet hit Greenland as we now suspect/believe 12,800 years ago, what else is Comets made up of besides rock? Ice/water.
The rained for 40 days nights.. is that ice from Comet entering our atmosphere melting and becoming rain? Science suggests water comes from space...IDK...but that to me could explain the 400' rise in tidal waters worldwide. We have many ancient cities under water

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Herb Guitarlik jr and the Al Gore Rhythm BANNED :mrgreen:

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