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Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East

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Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East
By Baird T. Spalding
Volume I

In presenting THE LIFE AND TEACHING OF THE MASTERS OF THE FAR EAST, I wish to state that I was one of a research party of eleven persons that visited the Far East in 1894.
During our stay—three and a half years—we contacted the Great Masters of the Himalayas, who aided us in the translation of the records, which was of great assistance in our research work. They permitted us to enter into their lives intimately and we were thus able to see the actual working of the great Law as demonstrated by them. We call them Masters, which is merely our name for them. One living the life described herein is entitled to reverence and consideration as a Master.
Records and manuscripts—our actual experience with the Masters—were preserved. Personally, at that time, I thought the world was not ready for this message. I was an independent member of the research party and I am now publishing my notes under the title LIFE AND TEACHING OF THE MASTERS OF THE FAR EAST, with the thought that the reader may accept or reject, as he wishes.
This book, which will be followed by others of the Sun series, gives the first year's experience of the expedition in relation to the Masters. It includes their teaching, which was taken by us stenographically at the time, with their permission and approved by them.
The Masters accept that Buddha represents the Way to Enlightenment, but they clearly set forth that Christ IS Enlightenment, or a state of consciousness for which we are all seeking—the Christ light of every individual; therefore, the light of every child that is born into the world.
(Signed) Baird T. Spalding

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“The purest form of love is the freedom of will that the Father gave each of you so that through the exercise of that will you would explore the dimensions of thought and expand yourself into a greaterness, which expands the mind of God.”


“The purest form of love is the freedom of will that the Father gave each of you so that through the exercise of that will you would explore the dimensions of thought and expand yourself into a greaterness, which expands the mind of God.” — Ramtha
Ramtha  The Gift of Love Excerpt from: Ramtha, The White Book
JZK Publishing, a Division of JZK, Inc. Copyright © 1999, 2001, 2004 JZ Knight There is no such thing as the will of God apart from your own divine will. If God wanted life to be the mundaneness of a singular expression, he never would have created you into being, nor would he have given you the will to express your own purposeful uniqueness. What is called the will of God was created by man so that he could govern and control his brothers. Yet if you believe that teaching and see God’s will as separate from yours, then you will always be in the battle of his will versus yours, for you will want to do certain things and feel you must; yet the will of God says you must not. God is not separate from you. You and he are one and the same. Your will is his will. Whatever you want to do is what you term divine providence, divine will. So you are never in conflict with destiny, for destiny is not preordained; it is ordained wholly by you. Everything you think creates your moments to come. Your very Now moment is simply the product of the thoughts you had moments ago. That is the science of God. The only thing the Father wills for you is to experience the totality of life that he is, according to the feelings within your soul. Why? So that you come to understand what joy is and the unconditional love that God has for you and all life. If you feel you are at odds with God, perhaps you should reconstruct your image of what God is, for I tell you he is not all-loving if you must fight him. In the beginning when the Father contemplated his most splendid self, he expanded himself into the splendor of light. It was from that expansion in light that each of you
The Gift of Love
became God in the form of a unique, singular movement so that you would continue the expansion of thought into forever. In order for God to be an ever-expanding uniqueness through your contemplative thoughts, it was necessary to give each of you the power to create uniquely from the thought that he is. And he did this by giving you the action called free will. The principle of will was given to each of you so that you would be unique and sovereign, so that you would be the creator of your own truth, sovereign in your own understanding. What gives you your divine essence is that you have the freedom to embrace and experience whatever thoughts you desire. And that divine essence, called free will, is love. It is the gift of love from God to each of you. Each of you has the divine essence of will so that you have the freedom to create uniquely whatever ideal you envision through thought. Love in its ultimate form is the desire of the Father to allow the life that he is to be an ongoingness through each of you. The purest form of love is the freedom of will that the Father gave each of you so that through the exercise of that will you would explore the dimensions of thought and expand yourself into a greaterness, which expands the mind of God. Free will gives you a uniqueness — yet a oneness with the Father — that permits your thought processes to have their own creative flow. And every moment you create through the contemplation and expansion of your own thoughts, you imitate the same love that the Father had for himself when he created you into being, for creation is the act of bringing love from within your being into a unique, free-moving, creative form, which will live on into forever. From the illustrious moment of your birth, the Father gave each of you through pure, unconditional love this covenant: Whatever you think, whatever you desire, the Father shall become. Through that covenant — that still is and always shall be — each of you became the heir to the totality of what the Father is. Thus the Father always gives you all that he has become so that you can experience and understand the totality of life that he is. He is the basis of the fulfillment of your dreams. But who is the dream-maker? You. And what are your dreams made of? Thought, God, life. You can take from the totality of thought that God is and create any truth, any attitude, any desire you wish. Whatever truth or attitude you create in your thought processes, the Father, life, readily becomes. And whatever ideal of thought you desire, the Father freely manifests through the matter that he is so that you may experience it. To give you an example of God’s love for you, let us look at the creature called a snake, an ideal created by a God for the purpose of extended life in a life chain. This creature has a long, slender body with many muscles and many bones. It moves very swiftly and has a
very big head with fangs that can puncture you as its only defense. Though its bite can bring down a man of great size within moments, any man could hack the snake to bits or easily crush it. Now let us take two Gods. The first, who has a scientific mind, sees the snake as a wonderful creation, for it can move very swiftly, even without feet, and has a beautiful pattern and color to its skin, and a marvelous skeleton that seems to go on and on and on. The second God comes up and says that the snake is hideous and vile, it is an awful creature because its bite is dangerous, and it can kill a man. To the Father, the Isness of all life, all things are pure in their state of being. All things are innocent in their expression of the life that he is. It is only each entity’s attitude toward something that makes it a beautiful or a vile, ugly thing. It is only we Gods — who have the creative ability to take from the thought that the Father is, contemplate it, and alter it — who judge something that is really pure and innocent as something other than being. How great is the love of God, which is the life substance that the snake is, that he gives you, his greatest creation, the right to cast your attitude and will upon the snake however you choose. The love that the life source has for you is so great that it will become any one thing that you desire through thought. The Father will be anything you wish him to be. He will allow you to alter him in any way you wish to alter him. The life that he is will become vile or ugly or vulgar, or it will become to the height of beauty, however you wish to see it. Now is that not a wondrous thing, that the Father will become however you perceive and desire him to be simply through the whims of your thought processes? Indeed it is. That is love. You can do with thought whatever you will, for the Father’s love for you is steadfast. No matter how vile or wretched you perceive the life that God is, to him it is still him. It is still God. It is still pure, and it is still loved. That promise is unshakable, for the Father is of himself wholly without attitudes; he simply is. The love between you and God has no condition. If the Father in any way censored your thoughts or restricted you from experiencing the totality of the life that he is, then you would not have the freedom to continue his expansion into forever. Neither would you gain the wisdom from your adventures in thought in order to understand the love and joy that the Father truly is in his supreme state of being. God loves you in complete freedom to do as you will, for your will is his will. That is the covenant between God and his sons, God and himself. Whatever you do, wherever you venture unto him, you are always loved. He allows you to do whatever you desire, for he knows that you are ongoing, that nothing can ever take you from him. The Father has created no thing superior to himself that can remove your life force ever, so you will always
The Gift of Love
be. And when your life here is spent, there will be yet another, with the freedom to create it however you choose. You will live this life and all of those to come according to your will. And what has given you the freedom to do that is that which loves you, that which is called your Father, God Almighty, the lover of all things. You are free entities. How? Through the power called will and the ability called love.
For information on Ramtha and Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment, please contact: Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment, P. O. Box 1210, Yelm, WA 98597, or call 1.800.347.0439, 1.360.458.5201. Visit us online at or
“There is no such thing as the will of God apart from your own divine will. If God wanted life to be the mundaneness of a singular expression, he never would have created you into being, nor would he have given you the will to express your own purposeful uniqueness.” — Ramtha
The Gift of Love

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Ramtha Excerpts On Ascension and Immortality - Part I of III

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 `I am Ramtha, a sovereign entity, who lived a long time ago upon this plane called Earth, or Terra.  In that life I did not die; I ascended, for I learned to harness the power of my mind and to take my body into an unseen dimension of life.  In doing so, I realized an existence of unlimited freedom, unlimited joy, unlimited life.  Others who lived here after me have also ascended.`


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 `I am Ramtha, the Ram.  In the ancient language of my times it means `the God.`  I am the great Ram of the Hindu people, for I was the first man born of a womb of woman and the loins of man who ever ascended from this plane.  I learned how to ascend not through the teachings of any man but through an innate understanding of the God that lives in everything.  I was also a man who hated and despised, who slew and conquered and ruled right into my enlightenment.
 `I was the first conqueror this plane knew.  I began a march that lasted sixty-three years, and I conquered three quarters of the known world.  But my greatest conquest was of myself, coming to terms with my own existence.  When I learned to love myself and embrace the whole of life, I ascended with the wind into forever.


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 `I ascended in front of my people on the northeast side of the mount called Indus.  My people, who numbered more than two million, were a mixture of Lemurians, the people from Ionia -- later to be termed Macedonia -- and the tribespeople escaping from Atlatia, the land you call Atlantis.  It is my people`s lineage that now makes up the populace of India, Tibet, Nepal, and Southern Mongolia.
 `I lived but one lifetime upon this plane, what is called in your understanding of time 35,000 years ago.  I was born in ignorance and desperation to an unfortunate people, pilgrims from the land called Lemuria living in the slums of Onai, the greatest port city of Atlatia in its southern sphere.  I came to Atlatia during what is called the last hundred years, before the continent broke up and great waters covered its land.`


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 `Slowly over many years -- as the thought of becoming my ideal became the very life force in the cells of my embodiment -- my soul gradually changed the programming in every cellular structure to increase the vibratory rate within them, my desire was that strong.  The more peaceful I became with life, the more that emotion carried through my entire physical arrangement until I became lighter and lighter and lighter.  People would look at me and say, `Alas, there is a glow about the master.`  There was, for my body was vibrating at a faster rate of speed, going from the speed of matter into the speed of light.  That is what emanated a glow from my being.
 `In time my body became fainter and fainter by the light of the moon..  Then one night I became where the moon was.  No longer did I simply travel in thought.  I had raised my bodily vibrations into light and had taken my entire embodiment with me.  I was gleeful and mirthful, for that which I had done was unheard of.  Yet I came back, but only to see if I could do it again.  And I did, again and again, sixty-three times before my final ascension.  It became an expectancy, as breathing is to you.`


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 `When I became the wind, I realized how small and helpless man is in his ignorance about himself and how great he becomes when he extends himself into knowledge.  I learned that whatever man contemplated long enough, merely by desire, he will become.  If man tells himself long enough that he is wretched, soulless, powerless, he will believe it and become it.  If he calls himself lord of the wind, he will be lord of the wind, as I became lord of the wind.  And if he calls himself God, he is going to become God.
 `Once I had learned these thing, I began to teach my beloved brothers about the Unknown God, the Source of all life.  There came a day when I was an old man, where all I had set out to accomplish in my being had been accomplished.  I made a journey across the River Indus and there, on the side of the mountain called Indus, I communed with all of my people for one hundred and twenty days.  I urged them to know that these understandings were a truth, that the source of their divine guidance was not through me or any other man but through God that had created us all.  For their belief -- and to their surprise -- I elevated myself quite nicely above them.  Women screamed and became aghast.  Soldiers dropped their broadswords in wonderment.  I saluted them all farewell and urged them to learn as I had learned, to become as I had become in their own way.`


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 `After I ascended is when I knew everything I wanted to know because I went out of the density of flesh and into the fluidness of thought and, in so doing, I was not inhibited by anything.  Then I knew that man truly was, in his essence, God.  Before I ascended I did not know there was such a thing as a soul, nor did I understand the mechanics of ascending the embodiment.  I only knew that I was at peace with what I had done and I was at peace with life.  I was no longer an ignorant barbarian anxious for battle.  I was no longer overwrought and overworked.  I embraced life and the wonderfulness that I saw in the heavens day after day and night after night.  That was my life.
 `I learned to love myself when I compared myself to something great and majestic.  My life became fulfilled when I took hold of all my understanding and focused it on myself.  That is when peace came.  That is when I began to know more.  That is when I became one with the Unknown God.
 `I was Ram the Conqueror.  I am now Ram the God.  I was a barbarian who became God though the simplest and yet the most profound of things.  What I teach you is what I learned.`


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 `I am here to remind you of the heritage which most of you forgot long, long ago.  I have come to give you a loftier perspective from which you may reason and understand that you are indeed divine and immortal entities who have always been loved and supported by the essence called God.  I am here to help you realize that only you through your sublime intelligence have created every reality in your life, and with that same power you have the option to create and experience any reality you desire.`
 `Many others have come to you throughout your history, and they have tried many different avenues to remind you of your greatness, your power, and the foreverness of your lives.  We have been king, conqueror, slave, hero, crucified Christ, teacher, guide, friend, philosopher -- anything that would permit knowledge to occur.`


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 `To prevent your worshipping me, I have not come to you in my own embodiment.  Instead I have chosen to speak to you through an entity who was my beloved daughter when I lived upon this plane.  My daughter, who graciously allows me to use her embodiment, is what is termed a pure channel for the essence that I am.  When I speak to you, she is no longer within her body, for her soul and Spirit have left it completely.`
 `I have chosen to speak with you in this fashion because you are all prone to worship the images of others and exalt them above yourselves.  So for those who come into my audience, I have no body to worship nor feet to kiss.  And my daughter will not allow you to do it to hers, for they are her feet, after all.  When you leave my audience, you will have no image by which you can remember me -- and no picture that you can dangle around your neck, put up on your wall, or carve into stone -- for what is being taught here is not to worship me but to wholly worship and love what you are and this wonderful essence that lies latent within you called God Almighty.   All are equal in the kingdom of God.`


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 `Student:  Do we always have to be born through the birth canal in order to come back here?
 `Ramtha: To answer your question, master, first I wish you to understand that this is the plane of three dimensional perception.  It is the plane where thought is visible in the three-dimensional form called matter.  This plane is the density of matter because thought has been expanded into a vibratory frequency called light, which has been slowed down into a vibratory frequency to become electrum, and from electrum to become gross matter, and from gross matter to become the solidity of this plane.  The matter of this plane is thus light that has been slowed in its vibratory frequency and taken to its densest form.
  `In order for everything here to have the same density, everything has to vibrate at the same frequency.  Thus your body is vibrating at the same frequency as the chair in which you are seated.  This level exists to you because the senses of your embodiment have been designed to perceive the slowest frequencies of light called matter.
 `Because you are in your essence a light energy that is of a greater vibratory frequency than the density of matter, if you did not possess an embodiment of matter you would pass through the matter of this plane.  Thus the body is what allows you, through its density and sense organs, to perceive and experience and interact with the matter of this plane.
 `So if you wish to be a part of this frequency, you must inhabit and be a part of a manifested body.  One way to have an embodiment is to be born through the birth canal.  The only other way to have a body in order to experience this plane is to be born through the birth canal, wholly maintain the integrity of self, and activate the entirety of the organ called the brain [e.g., `Lucy`, the movie].  Once you have opened your brain capacity to full use, you can at will command the body to raise its vibratory frequency, to the point where it goes out of the frequency level of matter and into the vibratory frequency of light.  That is called ascension.
 `Ascension is simply the means of taking the entirety of your being into another dimension of your accepted consciousness.  Death is certainly one way to get there, but that means allowing the structure of the embodiment to fall into age and decay and to be no longer.  Then you are without the embodiment.  Ascension is taking your embodiment with you.
 `Those who have ascended this plane have mastered the ultimate, which is death.  They have learned how to raise, through the power of their thought, the vibratory frequency of the body`s molecular structures to the point where the body is taken with them into a light existence, thus forever bypassing death.
 `Student: I`m not sure I understand how ascension enables you to return to this plane.
 `Ramtha:  You see, master, when you take your body with you, the body can be raised and lowered upon any frequency level you choose.  So if you choose to come back into this frequency, you never have to look for another body, with another ego, in order to exist in another life, with another family, in another country.  You no longer have to be born again into this plane of limited thinking only to undergo the programming of social consciousness and have to fight for the expression of self in order to regain your knowingness.  You do not have to learn all over again that the body can be restored to the purest light-form from which it came.  You do not have to learn again that this is just an illusion and a game.
 `Once you master ascension, you maintain your body forever and can come and go at will with your own embodiment.  Then any moment you wish to be a part of this plane again, all you have to do is lower the bodily vibrations to where it vibrates at the same frequency as this plane, and here you are.
 `All are capable of ascending, for that which lurks behind the illusion of the flesh is the creator of all universes.  And you at your own choosing, through unlimited thinking, can make the manifestation occur.  When you learn to master judgment against your thoughts and allow yourself to receive all thought, you have the power and the ability to become any ideal that you envision.  Then you can do or become anything through thought.  You can take your thought, concentrate it on the body, and command the body to vibrate faster.  The body will then elevate towards the ideal that the thought holds steadfast for it.  The whole of the body will begin to vibrate at a greater rate of speed.  As it does so, the temperature of the body will rise a

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Ramtha Excerpts on Ascension and Immortality - Part II of III.

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 `Student: It would seem that ascension is a difficult thing to achieve because you don`t hear much about people ascending.
 `Ramtha: On the contrary, master, ascension is very easy to achieve.  In truth, it is simpler than dying.  What is difficult to achieve is mastering judgment against your thoughts.  What is indeed difficult to achieve is mastering the illusion of time in order to allot yourself the patience to do it.  But once you do, ascension is simply a thought away.  Then you have retained your body for all times and can thus be a traveler upon any plane at any moment you choose.
 `Student:  And you never experience death?
 `Ramtha:  Never.  How can you when you are beyond it?  
 `You know, death is a great illusion.  Death is an accepted reality on this plane, which all think must be; thus it has become a reality.  Entity, the only reality is life. everything else is an illusion.  Illusions are thoughts, that are games, that become realities.
 `Death is not a necessary rule in this kingdom.  It is far easier to take the body with you.  Then you never have to be born again through the birth canal and come in a consciousness which regretfully does not accept your memory.
 `Student: So we don`t have to die?
 `Ramtha: No one has to die.  You will die only if you believe you will.  But the body need not ever die.  The Gods who designed it did not design it to last for only a fleeting moment in time.  They designed the body to live off its glands, not its organs.  And through a flow of hormones from the glands, the body was designed to live hundreds of thousands of years and never grow old.  That was how it was programmed in its cellular structures.  Only a short time ago in your history, entities lives to be thousands of years old.
 `Death is only the ending of the body, not of the personality self.  But it is through the attitudes of the personality self  that the life force of the body is degraded and the body is evoked into what is termed death.
 `Your body responds only to what it is told to do.  Your soul, which sits beside your heart, governs the entire body through its emotional structure.  The soul is what causes hormones to be dispensed throughout the body in order to maintain life in the embodiment.  The soul does not do this on its own but rather under the direction of your attitudes and thought processes.  Because of your attitudes here, the hormones cease to be created in the body after puberty.  When they are no longer created, a death hormone [cortisol?] is activated in the body and the whole body begins to break down, to grow old and to die.  The death hormone is activated in the body because you live in guilt and self-judgment and the fear of death.  And to you, beauty is based wholly on the appearance of youth, not on the character of one`s being.  You anticipate death by purchasing insurance to bury yourself.  You purchase insurance to protect your treasury if you become ill or diseased.  You are doing ev

erything possible to hasten the aging and death of your embodiment because you wholly expect it.
The body is only a servant, an instrument of collective thought. It is a magnificent creation, the most refined instrument there is. But it was not created to have a mind of its own. It was created specifically to be a servant, and it will live only as long as you allow it to live. If you accept thoughts of old age -- expecting the body to wither away and die -- or deny yourself love and happiness and joy, your body will gradually descend itself into the corruption of death.You know, master, in this very moment you can cease time completely and live in the foreverness of this Now, if you so choose, for is time not an illusion? Who has seen it? A great hypocrisy exists here because you refuse to believe in the unseen, yet you wholly worship and are enslaved to time.
You have the power right within you, right where you are, to reverse the age of your embodiment back into youth and to live on and on and on. How? Simply through your attitude. If you do not want the body to age and die, change your attitude. Let your attitude say that the body will live forever, and so it will. Remove the things from your life that acknowledge the ending of it, and it will never end. Never have the wordoldin your vocabulary understanding. Haveforeverin your understanding. Cease the celebration of your birthdays, for that only gives credence to the aging process.. It if pleases you to acknowledge your birth, do so, but reverse the count of your years and become younger. When you do not expect your death, you will never know it.Always live in the present. Never acknowledge any future other than this Now. Your Now will be eternity if you permit it to be so. Never contemplate how long you are going to live, for you will always live. Contemplate the foreverness of your body, and so it will become. That is simply how it is.
Love yourself, master. Bless your body. Speak to your soul which is the lord of your being, and command it to bring forth the enzymes of youth and it will. Know that the body can live forever. And how does it live forever? By telling it to.Immortality is achieved only when one does away with the understanding of mortality. This travesty called death could be eliminated by the whole lot of humanity if they lived not in the future or the past but in the ongoingness of this Now and if the attitude of living was greater than the prospects of dying. This shall be eliminated here in the years to come, for time will be no longer and these understandings will have become a living reality in everyone upon your plane. Then death will have become a senseless no-thing.
Student: I have another question about ascension. Is ascension what Jesus did when he resurrected the body and then reappeared?Ramtha: That is indeed how Yeshua ben Joseph did it. That is what I did. That is what Buddha did. That is what Osiris, Om Akad, Yukad, and Rackabia did. And there have been thousands more that you are not even aware of.
Student: Is the ascension something that you foresee many of us accomplishing in this lifetime?Ramtha: Very few will ascend in this life, for few will truly realize and appreciate what is being taught here. Most will die because they acknowledge age and deterioration, and they care for the splendid machine that carries them only to the extent that it looks good. Thus they will age and the body will fall into corruption, and it will die. Then the Spirit and soul shall be freed of their union with the body. However, in order to come back to this plane of density in matter, they will need a vehicle through which to express, thus is the rebirthing of masters.

`Most here will die. But that does not mean that that is all for them. It simply means that the mass of the embodiment is removed and they will have to take up another. But if they do choose to return here, they will be returning to a consciousness that will facilitate ascension, for soon it will be an understood and accepted reality.

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 `I tell you to be a part of humanity is a holy experience, for when you become humanity, you are wholly experiencing God.  Only when you become humanity have you journeyed to the perimeters that encompass the entirety of the kingdom of heaven.
 `So you have not degraded yourselves by becoming humanity -- you must understand that -- because if you still have never been the human element, you can never completely enter the kingdom of heaven.  How can you ascend into heaven if you have never descended into life?
 `It is worthy; it is worthwhile.  It is wise to become man in order to understand this fire that lives within you called God Almighty.  All life is composed of this fire, and experiencing it through the supreme intelligence of gross matter -- what is called mankind -- allows you to complete view of what God is.  And when you understand completely all that God is -- inner and outer space, matter, flesh, blood, love and joy and sorrow -- then you will be all that the Father is.
 `Now the reason you are upon this plane is to continue the exploration of God through the density of the embodiment in which you are living.  That which supports your creative evolvement is called life, the same life force that holds an atom in its sphere and your Earth in space.  And that life force has one universal principle: to be ever-evolving, ever expanding, ever-becoming.  Your life`s purpose for all time has been to experience life and learn from it and to refine and integrate what you have learned back into the principle called life.
 `This that you are living is called creation.  You are playing with creative thought and expressing it through matter for the purpose of gaining wisdom, understanding, and identifying the great mystery of yourself.  Yet all of this plane is a grand illusion.  Everyone thinks that the three-dimensional plane is the reality, but it is not.  All the games that mankind plays are illusions -- they are dreams -- of this reality can be dreamt away.  The real world is that which lies within you, the encounter with emotion each moment you feel.  The real world exists only from the standpoint of emotion, not governed by logic but by moving love.
 `This world that you call reality would never exist if you did not have your eyes to perceive it through moving emotion within your soul, for it would be a no-thing.  All of this paradise of matter was created simply to evoke emotion within the souls of those who participate in this wonderment of creativity.  Why?  For the greatest prize of life called wisdom.  And wisdom is not an intellectual understanding.  It is indeed an emotional understanding gained from experience.
 `Life, this grand stage, is your kingdom.  It is the platform upon which you create your illusions.  This wondrous stage affords you the opportunity to dream into existence any reality you desire.  For the God that you are has the unlimited freedom to dream any thought, feel any emotion, and manifest the dream into reality.  And anywhere in between you can change your mind.`


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 `I adore you, for I have been as you.  I lived your illusions and I became your dreams.  And where I went, one hour you too shall go, but you shan`t ever go there until you have embraced this life and embraced God through the embrace of yourself.
 `I salute you from the depths of my being.  You are indeed grand.  You are indeed loved.  You are indeed needed.  You are indeed cherished.  You are the reason for forever.  You are indeed the reason for life.`


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 `Now if you do not want to return here, don`t.  You do not have to, ever.  I never came back, for I ascended with the wind and took with me everything that I was.  And in that, I became a free entity -- a free entity.  That is because I transcended all the things I have done in my life here.  I forgave myself and embraced this life and got on with this business of being God.  And if any ignorant, wretched barbarian could do it, master, it is a certainty that you can.
 `The way one finishes his life here is he lives it and loves it and becomes a part of the simple things.  And he rids himself of ideals that are intimidating, limiting, and restrictive to the freedom of life.  And he lives in the freedom of himself, and loves himself, and ceases to compare himself.
 `When you cease living for the images of society and live instead for your own ideal, your own truth -- however that is within your being, and love your eternal being -- then you become one with the flora and the fishes and indeed with all life.  Then you can say, `I have finished this experience.  I have loved all life that is here and, because I have, I am ready for a new adventure.  [Song: `I Lived` by One Republic].  I am ready for a far-off kingdom and a new understanding and a whole different way of being.`  When you have done those things, master, you will leave this plane in a blaze of glory.  That is how I left.


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Ramtha Excerpts on Ascension and Immortality - Part III of III

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 `I am expressing, master, and I am being happy with what I am.  And when I am not the identity you see of me here, I am that which is: the platform from which all things come forth, for the seventh level is the totality of thought, which is the great Void that holds your planets in orbit, your cells together and encompasses all things to the perimeters of forever.  And when you are a seventh-level entity, there is no such thing as levels.  There only is.  In that, you become all feeling of all things of all knowingness, of all thought.
 `Contemplate what it is like to be thought.  How far can a thought travel?  Can you lay a thought on the surface of the sun, perhaps on the dark side of the moon, or on the great and small stars in your heavens?  Can you send a thought to another entity on another plane?  You can do it in less than a moment.  You have it right within you to be that.  You are the entity that does not want that expression.  You are wanting this expression, and so it it.
 `Student: Certainly there has to be a point when we realize why we keep coming back?
 `Ramtha:  There is.  It is called happiness.  And that point is obtained when there is no entity you would rather be than yourself and no place you would rather be than where you are.  That is the point of realization.


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 `When I entered into the tunnel, or the ladder of Jacob, I did not go into dimensions and planes unknown to me.  You understand, as I have taught you, that we all came down those stairs from those levels, and the moment we reenter them we are clothed in the garment of that plane.  When I left my body and entered into light [third plane], I understood the light because I was there.  My election to return to my body allowed me to return to my body fully cognizant of what the light meant and what I saw there.  What I knew at the light was that there were preceding kingdoms.  So the next time I visited the light I went beyond it, and in that I was clothed in the body of Shiva [fourth plane].  Now if I then inhabit the body of Shiva, it is the body that I once knew.  It still lives.  And contained therein is all the knowledge that is afforded to me of a mind that lives on the fourth level, so I know where I am.  Do you understand?
`Student: Yes.
 `Ramtha: Now let me continue..  It took me until the day that I left this plane to explore all of those planes and to wear all those bodies.  And every time that I came back to the body, I brought with me all of that knowledge.  I didn`t leave it.  I carried it back with me and brought it back to my physical incarnation.  That meant then that I switched, as it were, as Ramtha from a yellow-brain or neocortex perspective.  I became Ramtha from the deeper-brain perspective because only in the deeper brain did I seed the memory and carefully implement it into the yellow brain, into the neocortex.
 `When I ascended and left this plane, I did so because I had visited every other pane.  In one nightfall here on Terra [Earth] I would leave my body, and in time of another place -- for example, one the fifth plane -- in what was a nightfall here I lived for hundreds of years there and brought back the richness of that time frame by morning when my physical body awakened.
 `So to ask me did I gain knowledge and know where I was is an understatement.  By the time I left this plane, I communed with my people the simplicity of my teachings and my truth and brought it forward to them in simplistic style so that they would never forget me and understand how to live a life -- a meaningful life -- and that the kingdom of heaven held within its boundaries an unlimited opportunity for anyone on this plane to be a part of it.  But the passion has to be there.  The dedication and the patience have to be there.  The day that I ascended, I took my body upright and put its old robe on and walked it out in the middle of my people.  And in the midst of my body I brought forward my seventh-level mind, and that mind vibrated this body into kingdom come.`   [love that!]


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 `Immortality you have openly rejected, and for that you will die and return here again and again.  Thus here you are again after ten and one-half millions years of living here, and yet you hold onto your disbeliefs.
 `God, the totality of thought, is a grand stage indeed.  And he allows you to write your own script and play it, part by part, upon the stage.  And when your curtains are drawn, the last word spoken and the last bow is taken, you die.  For what reason?  Because you, supreme lawmaker, believe you will.


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 `When you realize that you have the power to think yourself into ignorance, disease, and death, you will also realize that you have the power to become grander simply by opening yourself up to a more unlimited thought flow, which allows you to have greater genius, greater creativity, and life forever.  When you realize that the God who created the body in the first place is the power that sits within you, then you body will never age or become diseased, nor will it ever perish.  But as long as you hold onto your beliefs and limit your thinking, you will never experience the unlimitedness which gave glory to the morning sun and mystery to the evening sky.
 `What happens when you have decreed yourself to perish from this place?  Well, the body dies but you who think, in the silentness behind your eyes, always live.  When you leave this plane, if you choose to die, the true you will not be buried into the ground and go to the worm and then to ash.  You are ongoing with the wind.  Where you go is where you came from, and there you decide what you wish to do upon your next adventure, for that is what this all is.  And you shall return here however many times you desire to return until you reclaim your identity as God.  Then you are off on a grander adventure indeed, in another heaven, in another place.`


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 `You are here, master, to become God.  And to become that, you must remove from your being every law, every dogmatic belief, every ritualistic practice and become unlimited in your thought processes.  [stuctures].  If you desire unlimited freedom of expression -- a body that will never die and the peace and joy of being -- know that the life you are living is completely unlimited..  When you know that, so it will become, for whatever you desire and whatever you know as a truth in your being, so it will be.  That is the only law you need ever accept within your kingdom.`


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 `In man`s beginning on this plane -- when man still knew he was God -- he lived in the same embodiment for thousands of years because the power that gave the body immortality was the purity of unlimited thought that man expressed in a state of being.
 `God, God/man, began to forget that he was God even in his first life experience on this plane.  Why?  Because he loved this wonderful playground of matter, and experiencing and creating here became all that was important.  And in his endeavor to express his creativity here -- and to maintain the vehicle that allowed him to do that -- man, the magnificent creature of unlimited thought processes, began to experience the limited thoughts of survival, jealousy, and possessiveness.
 `Man`s being -- his soul and Spirit -- is forever.  Nothing can ever change that.  But the embodiment that the Gods created for themselves from the clay of the earth is vulnerable to the thoughts of the immortal being who occupies it.  Whatever thought man accepts and allows himself to feel will manifest in the body, for the embodiment is the last part of man`s kingdom and is supported by the thought processes of the God who inhabits it.
 `When God/man began to experience attitudes of survival, he began to lessen his power of thought to spark an eternal life force within the body.  Thus the body began to fail.  As the body began to fail, it lessened man`s ability to reason through his brain.  As man began to lose his power to reason, fear began to engross his consciousness.  As the element of fear became an attitude within man`s thought processes, the embodiment began to suffer from the force and effects of fear: disease, illness, death.


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 `The Gods entered into the limitation of matter out of the desire to experience their creativity through the bodily form.  But when the Gods, as man, experienced attitudes of limitation upon this plane, they unknowingly became locked into the bodily experience, for when each God experienced the death of his first embodiment, he entered into what is called a Void.  This Void was a place -- a dimension of light -- that was neither back into a consciousness understanding of all-knowing God, nor was it back upon the plane of matter.  The God could no longer return to the plane of unlimited thought, for now he maintained within his thought processes the alteredness of attitudes of limitation.
 `In order for the God to continue to advance in life -- and finding this playground of matter to be a wonderful experience -- he was most anxious to return here.  So the God came back into another embodiment through the seed of his own offspring, in order to continue to express in matter and to reconcile all of the limited thoughts he had permitted to alter his thought processes in the previous life.  But as he began to experience more of the material aspects of this plane, the God experienced further alterdness and fell deeper and deeper into limitation.  Thus began the cycle of reincarnation upon the plane of demonstration.


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 `Thus was religion born upon this plane to further separate man from his internal beauty, his eternal godship.  And religion was very clever, for it did not have to govern and rule people through the sword.  It had only to perpetuate the teaching that God was not within their reach, that all knowingness and all power were not within them.`


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 `I tell you this, master:  Your oneness is truly only a moment -- a breath -- away.  When you within the depths of your being no longer wish to be separate from any one thing, you no longer will be.  It is simply your attitude, your limited thinking, your altered identity that has separated you from all thought.  When you come back into all thought by removing judgment against thought, then you will never again be lost or separated.  Then you will be a light to many others who will find their way back into an alignment with the Father.`


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 `It is now the moment, if you will, for the Spirit of your being to take hold of your body and protect it through an unlimitedness of thought understanding.
 `What is to be done now is to become you, God that you are: steadfast, certain, sovereign, I Am.  And the only illusion you need to master is the illusion that you do not have the ability to become that.  And how do you remove that illusion?  Simply by removing it from your thought processes.  Whatever you do in thought and in feeling is reality, even if it is never manifested into the reality of this dimension.  Once you have embraced the thought that you are God, the I-Am principle, you have already become it.
 `Love what you are, master/  Love it.  Know that you are forever, that you are God.  Know it.  Feel it.  Embrace that thought.  When the instinctual heritage that has protected you thought the ages confronts the knowingness that you are indeed immortal rather than mortal, that you indeed unlimited God rather than limited man, your soul will pass this unlimited thought on to the cellular mass of your embodiment.  And the cellular mass will be in jubilation.  Then you body will conform happily to the unlimited thoughts of the great God that occupies it.  And inasmuch as your body has uncertainty and caution for its instinctual existence, it shall now have God unlimited within its cells, such that the matter of the body can be unified into an alignment with the totality of God I Am.
 `Love yourself, master, completely.  Love life, all of it.  When you do, you will come back into your union.  I assure you, simply through your attitude, and in but a moment.  That is all it takes.  Simply know.`


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 `I tell you, you have the ability to know everything there is to know..  And you also possess the ability to manifest everything you ever want.  You also possess the ability to live forever in yo

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Ramtha on Christ`s Resurrection and Seven Levels of Consciousness

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 `When Yeshua ben Joseph was moving his mind up to this lofty state and held it there, he was actually not of this world but indeed, as it has been said, he was in the world.  His spiritual self was coming from here [sixth plane] while his physical remained here [first plane].  And it wasn`t until he got to here [sixth plane] that he had to die.  This is the ultimate test, that he had to agree to die as the final initiation.  What a final test.  How do you defy death?  First off, you have to die; otherwise it isn`t` a test, is it?
 `Now imagine how terrifying that is.  None of you are at that place yet.  But imagine what it would be to fully develop God on this plane.  How would he do that?  His final test would be that he would agree to die in front of everyone, and that so powerful was his mind, in which he called `the Father within me,` within him -- the Father within him was this entity right her [Point Zero] that we all have -- so powerful was he that he allowed the body to die and to go into decay.  And then at the appropriate moment he was to reestablish a relationship with the body.  Is that possible?  Students, is that possible?  Given what scientists say that we do with particles, is that possible?  It is indeed.
 `So where is the loophole here?  The loophole is that we are so terrified of life that we never live.  We are so terrified of dying that we never live life.  No one in this room has the capacity to do that because no one has built up such a wall of reality that `lay this body dead as it is, I will resurrect it.`  No one has developed that yet because they haven`t lived yet.  So imagine what kind of body that he had then.  The body went into physical corruption within three days and he came back.  What was it that came back?  Well, you see this drawing that we did here?  When I told you yesterday that we were descending into involution to this time, that is true, we have.  We all have echo, meaning we have contributed to the atmosphere as well as the mind on every one of those levels, so we have a body already existing on every one of these time frames, already there.  It is already there.  Hard to believe, isn`t it?  But we have a body here in the psychical form.  We have a body

here, here, here, here, here, and here [all seven levels]. The body that we left behind is an echo. Its is a mind. It is rolled up. It is rolled up waiting to be unrolled just like this little entity here is rolled up.
The moment we access any one of these bodies, we do so by focusing -- equal to our level of acceptance, equal to one of these levels -- and when we do we start to unroll the atmosphere in that level and that becomes the stream of consciousness that moves into the brain through the back of the brain called the reptilian [lower cerebellum]. It is a stream of mind, moves right in here and activates the neocortices. And this is so familiar, this place is so familiar when it is accessed, you will wonder how come you left it behind. But the moment that you leave it, you will think it is a dream because it has rolled back up into this atmosphere here.So every human being has seven bodies and they are enfolded in this body [physical body] and they radiate into what is called the auric field that extends to the tips of your fingers. All seven bodies are enfolded inside of the gross matter that makes up the physical incarnation you have now. If you have been living on this timeline for ten and a half million years and at 455,000 years here we had an abrupt change to this [the brain with neo/new cortex] -- we only developed that about 40,000 years ago -- so all of the bodies have been on a wheel of incarnation in which the wheel never got any further than the third level. Now what does that mean? That means then that on every lifetime we have completely contained within us at any one time four radiant bodies. On death we are in the third body, and enfolded in the lightbody are four other bodies, four other frequencies. Going to the light is not the end of the story. It is only a familiar place. But enfolded inside the l
ight/radiant body are yet four other bodies that access different levels of time. They are our vehicle to get there. How many of you understand?
Now, today, your last lifetime you never went any further than the light [third plane of consciousness]. At the light, before you came back to this incarnation, you reviewed your last life. The review took place in your lightbody. It reviewed, unfolded all of the energy, and gave you a living screen to see what you did, who you were, what you accomplished, how you evolved, where you didnt evolve. It just unrolled the energy and allowed it to play. Then once you had decided or made up your mind to come back, you were thinking with a lightbody, not a human body, but you were still cognizant that you could have done better in the physical body. Dont you find it interesting that entities who go to the light talk about viewing their life and that they viewed it with a cognitive judgment? They didnt have a brain. How were they able to make an opinion of what they saw? Because they did have a brain. What was the brain? it wasnt the grey tissue that is sitting up here b
ut it was a brain equal to the body they were inhabiting.When you die, you move immediately into infrared. It is the psychic realm. From the psychic realm the shaft of light appears and you go down it and you are actually moving from infrared to the high end of infrared. Then you hit the light. Who is the light? You. It is there that you view everything. While you are making a decision about your physical life, there are four other potential lives or bodies that are enfolded in the light. And all you keep doing is agreeing to come back to this one. How many of you understand? So you have never changed -- never changed -- those four other bodies [upper seals]. They are what we call hidden.
We always change the lightbody because the lightbody looks just like the body you are sitting in today, except younger and healthier. Why does it look like the body you have today? Because the body you have today couldnt look the way it looked unless it had a light-field around it to give it the mind to be that way. How many of you understand? So we are always recycling the lightbody, the infrared body, and the physical body, but we have yet to use the hidden bodies of the upper four realms.
Now stay with me. Dont go to sleep. I am going to give you a lot of knowledge. Dont be bored.All of these bodies are in you and around you. If you look at your hand and you think about the atomic field that we just discussed earlier -- think about this -- then the radiating field off of one singular atom is equal to the radiating field of one of those bodies. In other words, every atom in your hand is the composite of seven levels of time. You got it? So the hand is a product of seven levels condensed to this [physical matter]. But what if we could defy that reality? What if we defied our body looking this way and insisted on it looking another way? Would it be possible to do that? How many of you agree? Absolutely is. You see, quantum mechanics doesnt say this works for the electrons but not for you. This field that surrounds your body has got within it the seven bodies hidden within your own tissue. When this dies, it gives up one body in the beginning. The one body is infrared. But in the infrared body are contained all the other higher bodies and you
keep peeling them off. Do you understand?Now so what does this, this, this, and this [the upper four bodies] have to do with Yeshua ben Joseph becoming a Christ? Because he had to prove that he was accessing the upper kingdom of God. And he had proved it every single way by all the miracles and the teachings that he imparted. But there was one thing that terrified all men in their hearts and that was death. You see, the Hellenistic Jews of that time were the only ones that believed in reincarnation. The Jews of Abraham did not believe in reincarnation. They believed in hell, which was the most terrifying aspect, and that simply meant a shallow grvce, that they would have been dismembered.
Yeshua be Joseph had to show to a culture of people that there was life after death. And the way that he had to do that is he had to sacrifice his own life. So he has to pull out this consciousness right here [first seal], this one right here [second seal]. And he had to let the body die and he had to move all the way, unfolding all of those bodies all the way until he is right here [seventh seal], and he says,My Father and I are one.He is saying thatMy mind is no longer from the House of David in these terrible times. My mind is my Father within me,who is this mind, the first mind. And he had to take off every one of those bodies, even the lightbody. He couldnt keep it on. He had to pull off the Blue Body which is Shiva, and manifest the golden body. He had to pull off the golden body, go to the rose body, and then he had to go to the Infinite Unknown, which he went here. And only until he did that was he incorruptible.
And it was from this state here [seventh plane] that he resurrected this body down here and gave it life, but what he gave it is eternal life. In other words, his body down here was vibrating nearly at the rate of light. And he only kept it slow so that he could interact with people and give them the last teaching. And why was his body radiating so fast? Because that was where his consciousness was. God now was man. And he lifted it up and reconstructed its physical matter, but he reconstructed it from the point of God, so it was vibrating very fast. So when he left, where did he go? He simply raised, kept raising, the frequency: In other words, he started this spin around this atom, and then the spin collapsed inward to the inside of the nucleus and it started spinning. And all the time, all the time he was doing that, all of that spin allowed every one of those particles to go into free space. So he was unfolding the seven bodies. And when he disappeared, he disapp
eared at light [third plane].Now that was only when he was called the Christ, the arisen one. That was the last test. That meant his consciousness had to be one with this so absolutely that not even death could defy that mind. And doing so, we now have great myth and legend and religion circling this entity. But what has never been told to you: It is not that Jesus is going to save your life but rather that he was a master who demonstrated the power of God in man and that if anyone had the eyes to see it, then they would understand. And if anyone had the ears to hear the message, they were offered the message, and they had to be simple enough to understand the transmutation of the human Spirit into eternity, and it was demonstrated. And it wasnt demonstrated just with him. It has been demonstrated throughout the eons in every culture because people soon forget.So what do we have now? We have now a religion around Jesus being the only son of God. That doesnt make any sense because everyone is the sons and daughters of God, not just him. And he cant save you. If he did, he would have done so in the first century. You understand? But his message is this.. And how come he didnt teach his disciples this? Because they were simple men. They were fishermen. They were tax collectors.. They were people just like you., How could he teach them that? He couldnt. All he could do was to teach them in parables and in deeds. And he said, Believe. If your eye lies to you, pluck it out. If you believe and your arm defies you, cut it off. That was an analogy to say no matter what your physical body does, it isnt the truth. Understand?

From: Ramtha: A Beginner`s Guide to Creating Reality, pp. 229 - 235.

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the short of the long and misunderstood misrepresented, mistranslated words in my review are simply this:

I Am the way... means This is the Way, the way I am; is the way. I am the example of How and that each of you will do this and more. Jesus is not the travel agent for Heaven.. he is merely citing an example of HOW we achieve a better way of life...

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