noticing can stop what is coming
Geo Engineering Archive
- RedpillTheWorld
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- Joined: Mar 7th, '18, 03:08
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- NorthWoodDoc
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▶Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 14:48:58 54ca19 No.925053>>925195
924790 (previous bread. Man, these breads are flying)
The chemtrails started as a noble project. I won't get into details (not stopping global warming)
Once wind of the program got around, the deep state wanted to use it for their evil purposes. It's unfortunately not just the deep state that's involved with the dark elements of chemtrails. The US military, DARPA, and HAARP (among others) are heavily involved.
The military isn't as pure as Q would like you to believe. I mean we have to trust Q's team, but the military is beyond massive and there are a lot of corrupt people to go with a lot of good ones.
The junk they put in the chemtrails comes from labs and is definitely part of the Cabal's plans to take over the world. It's not just in America that they're spraying. Nanobots, synthetic biology, and metals are the ingredients that are harming us. 99% of people in 1st world countries are infected.
To me, chemtrails is the biggest real world marker as to how the war is going. Q + Trump have improved the situation, but it's still bad.
It's hard to say if it will go away if the deep state is removed. The chemtrails are so tied into private companies like Monsanto. A lot of people are getting rich off our pain and misery.
Hope and Pray!
Chemtrails are doing much more than poisoning us. The metals are taken into our bodies and each of us has a different 'resonance' that is tracked over the SMART wifi and other nefarious grids. While the NSA has been tracking our every keystroke for near 20 years, logging all your data, passwords family and private pics..FB and others have been using this data to blackmail some, sell info on others...and the scepter HRC chips installed in every device since 2004 were the reason XP was discontinued. No chip, You are not trackable (Blackberry). HRC patent 175 pages for the tracking chip/s allow nefarious acts to be orchestrated. Cars, planes etc can be over taken by the back door chips, information can be taken or placed ON your personal device. Messages can be written or deleted on your device/s.
There is NO SUCH THING as internet security. Ask Snowden, Assange, DotCom or anyone who KNOWS.
The answer lies not in regulation or deletion of FB and other spy net platforms But in the ETHIC of every Human Being. Until we GROW UP...and start acting like adults and set standards within each and every one of us..there will always be bad actors, opportunists..and those who seek to damage, control, manipulate and enslave us thru a myriad of systems.
I personally don't believe anyone or thing will drop out of the sky to save us from our sorry selfish selves. What happened to Jesus last visit? And now 300M guns in US alone?
Until we Humans adopt a proper ethic and code of conduct...and save our selves... from ourselves...I'm skeptical imaginary friends will do it for us.
I will however send Santa a letter right now just in case it helps.
for those who may have forgotten, this is what a Chemtrailed sky looks like
Tic, tac, toe chessboard/checkerboard streaks across the sky
- RedpillTheWorld
- Posts: 278
- Joined: Mar 7th, '18, 03:08
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There is a lotta noise on Climate...and few who pay attention to what is in play.
I have noticed climate change since summer of 1974..and have monitored some interesting trends over the decades.
Is it that Glaciers are cowards? Are they running away from civilization or could it be there really is a warming trend?
Depends on how we look at it and why.
Ice skating in winter on local ponds is something not seen for 45 years in my area.Glaciers are in retreat. The Arctic ice Sheet, is thinner than ever while for the most part temps and ice remains about the same in Antarctica.
There are reasons why the North is receding and the South is not, imo.
North of Equator we have roughly 5Billion people, each a 65Watt light bulb equivalency, all burning fuels for heat, driving cars, lighting fires of Industry, transportation and home heating every day all day. That's a LOT of BTU's/watts where as the Southern hemisphere has far less people, less land mass and is not showing as fast a retreat as the Northern Ice sheets/Glaciers.
Another factor is the Fukushima contaminated water, according to some data, results suggest that warmed water going thru Bearing Strait up to Arctic under the ice sheets is contributing to ice melts.
Please review the graphic at bottom of this page ... ole/79190/ by pushing play and note the ice sheet thickness, and the 2011 Fukushima event's effect on the ice thickness.
on Fukushima and Ocean currents, radioactive waters and more that warm water, contribute to DOMOIC Acid red algae growth that at 1 PPM is killing sea life, mammals and birds everywhere. ... tastrophe/ ... 24243.html
Global Climate Change is REAL. The factors are broad and wide.
Dinosaurs are said to have lived in warmer temperatures with 3X as much CO2.
I'm unsure we had polar ice caps, or that the natural state of Earth is to have polar ice caps. Keep in mind when cataclysmic events in past have occurred shifting earths axis and lifting the atmosphere off flash freezing Mammoths and Ancient Civilizations alike that ice would form and will take a while to melt, return to normal levels.
The Industry of Man, the Fukushima event likely play a part if the reduction of ice masses in Northern Hemisphere.
Essentially we have lit Earth on Fire with Industry, of all types which is far more impacting than say driving cars. Making and re rendering of used up cars, computers etc change the environment in many ways, and more than just the 35MPG we are taught to buy a new car every 5 years for.
Hemp absorbs CO2, makes better wood paper pulp oil medicine and 995 other things.
We do not need to continue feeding the Globalists with Oil $, we have better tech suppressed by them.
Consider two identical Earths.
Light one of them on fire with Industry, driving cars, warming/cooling machines (Heat/AC) and add 7Billion 65W light bulbs.
Which one is warmer?
The proof is in receding Glaciers and thinning Ice sheets of the Northern Hemisphere.
Despite those who claim we are heading in a cooling pattern, I am unable to play ice hockey in winter on the ponds and lakes we used to when I was a boy only 50 years ago.
The destruction of forests also contributes to warming trends as the earth is now scorched and parched, trees no longer give off moisture to cool the atmosphere.
Maggots consume their host...
Stop cutting down our forests which are Earth's Lungs.
Turn off a light.
Re use that which is still good.
Repair things, rather than recycle as recycling creates as much if not more heat than making the products/cars/computers did originally.
Do YOUR Part today
We're ALL in this TOGETHER.
Lionel Nation
Published on Jan 10, 2018
Just look up. In the sky. Look. What do you see? From jets. High above. Those hazy, gauzy streaks of something. Crosshatched and thatched, hashtagged crisscrossed streams and plumes and streaks. Of something. Contrails? Water vapor? Ice crystals? Not a chance. These plumes and trails spread over huge swaths of land. But what are they? Dane Wigington of joins me in what may very well be the most critical issue and problem that faces all of us. And all you have to do is look up. And don't call them chemtrails.
Dane Wigington
Published on Jul 20, 2017
Our hope and goal is for this video to be shared far and wide, DO NOT re-upload this copyrighted video without prior written permission and conditions from
Though the halls of governments are filled with elected officials who have long since sold their honor, there are outstanding exceptions. Bill Vander Zalm, the former Canadian Premier for British Columbia, is one such exception. Vander Zalm recently visited Redding, California, where we met and discussed the subject of global climate intervention programs. In the interview below the former Canadian Premier speaks candidly about global climate engineering and his efforts to uncover information from the Canadian government about it. Our once thriving biosphere is imploding, converging catastrophes are closing in from every direction, and even now the majority of the masses are completely unaware. Does this fact mean the efforts to sound the alarm are futile? Absolutely not. Denial of reality will not be an option for much longer, and in the meantime, it is essential for us all to do everything in our power to pass on critical and verifiable information.
The battle to expose and halt climate engineering has been very long and arduous, but we must not lose our stride in this most critical fight. Each and every one of us is needed to help to move the fight forward, each and every one of us must play our part.
Dane Wigington
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files for your perusal ... rp-n112576 ... alifornia/
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- HAARP_ Weather Control.pdf
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- HAARP_ Weather Control.pdf
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- Illuminati, Mind Control and Hurricanes_ Conspiracy Theories Follow HAARP.pdf
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- US Air Force Admits They Can Control the Weather _ Covert Geopolitics.pdf
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