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Project Aquarius Area 51 S4 the account of Dan Burisch (PhD Microbiologist), JROD ET

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Project Aquarius Area 51 S4 the account of Dan Burisch (PhD Microbiologist), JROD ET

Unread post by NorthWoodDoc »

SPECIAL NOTE: Anywhere in this article that the following icon appears (*), the disclaimer below applies.
---------DISCLAIMER--------- (The above sketch or computer generated illustration above does not conform 100% to Drs. Dan and Marci’s testimony or descriptions, and should be considered strictly as a visual aid specifically designed to give the general public an overall idea of what this area of the facility actually looked like.)
Of all the cases of human contact with extraterrestrial intelligence, one case in particular stands out as being the most significant, with potentially bombshell implications. This is the account of Dan Burisch (PhD Microbiologist), and his contact with an extraterrestrial known as J-Rod at Area S-4 (12 miles south of Area 51). Dan Burisch was born on February 2nd, 1964 in Lynwood CA. Dan’s mother (Doreen), worked as a Telex operator, while Dan’s father worked for the Purex company. Early on, Dan showed an intense interest in optical instruments, and received his first microscope at the age of five as a Christmas present. Eventually, Dan’s enthusiasm for the science of histology caught the attention of Dr. James Reynolds from Long Beach Memorial hospital, who would become his tutor after being referred to by his Mother Doreen. At the request of Dr. Reynolds, Doreen was encouraged to purchase for Dan, a used professional grade microscope from Dr. De Haas (professor at USC). Dr. De Hass was on the board of the Los Angeles Microscopical Society (LAMS), and arranged for Dan to be the youngest ever member to be elected to the organization. Shortly after joining LAMS, Dan’s parents moved to Las Vegas, but it was decided that his studies were vitally important for his career, so arrangements were made to fly Dan from Las Vegas on the weekends to attend the monthly meetings. In 1985 and 1986, Dan was conferred separate Bachelor degrees in Biological Sciences and Psychology by the University of Nevada at Las Vegas, and congratulatory letters from Senators and Congressmen, and others which are on file, and available for review through OpenMinds

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