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Most people are aware that something is very wrong in our country. Typically folks attribute the problem to an opposing party’s viewpoint, or who the current president is. Everyone chooses sides between conservative talking points and liberal issues. Our fellow Americans tune-in to channels such as FOX and CNN to receive information passing as news. The whole time the viewer wonders what happened to investigative journalism or why politicians are continually re-elected despite horrendously low approval ratings. In my last book I covered the money side of what has transpired to destroy the highest standard of living in the world. In this book I will explain how we lost our democracy through murder and politics, which works hand-in-glove with the money side. In our capitalistic system we are indoctrinated that the American Way consists of accumulating the maximum personal fortune possible without concern for our fellow countrymen. The purpose of capitalism is to establish a class
structure, a hierarchy, haves vs have nots. At the most basic level this means hate the poor and work harder. After all, those people are poorer because they are lazier, but the wealthy have earned every dollar they are worth. I guess some families are just better quality “stock” than others, that or we live in a country built on promises constructed by liars. Our founding documents contradict those principles of a ruling class. Nowhere is it written that America is to be a capitalistic society. It was not in the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, or the Constitution. Nothing is written about aristocracy, nothing about establishing royal bloodlines. In fact, there is a line in our Constitution that reads to the contrary. Article 1, Section 9, Clause 8 states “No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States.” Our Constitution further establishes a well thought out system of checks and balances to prevent unfettered power and wealth. Those same founding documents proclaim equality among the citizens; we are all created equal. Even though in this poor economy, when any of us apply for employment it seems that only those who are connected receive the job due to nepotism. Each community has its version of high society. No matter how inept the offspring appear, some
people just seem to have the right last name which opens doors for them. This is especially true in western Pennsylvania school districts. Substitute teachers are regularly passed over for some school board member’s relative that is fresh out of college. These wealthy people calling the shots are not always just. We the people accept injustices in society and rarely do any of us seek retribution through violence or murder. We are raised with a conscience. In spite of fantasizing about bringing a lawyer, politician, or superintendent to justice by means of violence or murder, ordinary people do not take action. We believe in the rule of law despite legitimate needs to eliminate people from society for their corrupt and deceitful acts. This self-control is not shared by everyone in our culture. The higher up the pyramid you look, the more we find self-serving greed only concerned with fulfilling every want, regardless of the effect on those around them. Scandal and murder is completely acceptable for haughty heirs of vast fortunes. As a history teacher I always recognized this double standard. It is unwritten in our text books, it is unspoken in our media, but it is there and it is clear. America does not function the way we were taught in grammar school. The reverence we have for our founding fathers in all their
wisdom does not translate into the reality of our current government. The social unrest continues to grow as we reach out for meaning and align ourselves with likeminded people agreeing with us. My journey down this rabbit hole toward the truth concealed behind the veil of democracy began with a book called They Killed Our President. Few people believe that a lone gunman killed the president in 1963. That book provides more than sixty-three pieces of evidence to prove a coup took place. Any doubt you may have had is erased in the very first page by a memo sent to Lyndon Johnson from the Attorney General’s Office. My research has extended into many specific areas in pursuit of the true history of modern America. The most clear and concise history lesson I have found thus far is contained in a free forty-five page pdf document available online. The author is Mark Gorton and his paper is titled Fifty Years of the Deep State. It summarizes my research over the past several years, and connects the dots of all major events since the coup of 1963. Gorton’s work will be cited frequently in the following pages as I bear witness in a similar fashion. Evidence is everywhere. The internet is a valuable tool in seeking the truth. It is one source where the world aides in
fitting the puzzle pieces together. Censorship has not infiltrated the World Wide Web to the extent it has our country’s media. Just because we do not see proof on the evening news does not mean the proof is not available. People continue to come forward and blow the whistle on clandestine operations. Unfortunately, what is really taking place tends to be inconceivable to any educated, rational, hard-working, citizen. People questioning the official story are labeled Conspiracy Theorists and discredited as being crazy – just as CIA document #1035-960 advised. However, what most people fail to see is that when concrete proof exists that contradicts an official story it is not theory. It is conspiracy.

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expand the tweet for full info

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