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Re: the Case for and Legend of Origin of our Species

Posted: May 11th, '23, 18:54
by Storm

Re: the Case for and Legend of Origin of our Species

Posted: Jul 28th, '23, 16:37
by Herb GuitarLik jr

Original Gabber
@FreedomForceNews Sitchin was partly right and a lot wrong. He also only selectively reported what he wanted people to believe and was not truthful. The Sumerian god Enki was Yahweh, despite what the dumb Sitchinites think that it was Enlil - a physical being and not the creator of the cosmos and not the creator of the human species on this planet.

Sitchin accurately reported that Nibiru orbited to a 'station in the stars' without ever identifying it. The turnaround point in Nibiru's orbital cycle is the Sirius star system - a double (or triple) sun solar system which is the primary point of its orbit which also creates a gravity well strong enough to have the planet return there. Our sun is not the primary, it is the secondary point at which Nibiru slingshots back to the Sirius system. Sirius B is a collapsed star (artificially induced to go supernova by the same race of beings that created both the Anunnaki and Earth humans) and on its own probably supplies more than enough gravity to serve as the anchor point of Nibiru's orbit. You can't rely on 3D human physics to fully account for the operations of the cosmos.

The Anunnaki were a hybrid creation by these masters of genetic manipulation (see the 35 minute video below). I did the research for over a quarter century, dug out the illustrations and wrote the script, I did not do the narration.

I can give you two evidentiary illustrations of the 3600 year orbital cycle. Sitchin posited that Nibiru was in our solar system ca. 3800 BC. A point of correlation to this is the start date of the Jewish calendar at 3760 BC. It was also the time (generally) that the mysterious 'Aryans' appeared on the scene out of nowhere. That is two points that puts Sitchin's assessment in the ballpark of 3800 BC. When you watch the video you will discover that the Anunnaki were a hybrid race of fish and human genetics. There is a wealth of evidence all over the place to substantiate this assertion as you will see in the video.

Sitchin stopped his counting of Nibiru's orbital cycle at that 3800 BC mark and didn't translate it forward, which would put Nibiru back in our solar system at roughly the 2nd century BC - the point for the rise of the Roman empire with its vast water work feats, building baths all over the place that had no historical precedent (the Anunnaki needed water pools), which is the same era that I assert the false Hebrew historical narrative called the Old Testament was composed (the Dead Sea Scrolls were the rough draft), as well as being in our solar system during the rise of Christianity. These are just a few too many anomalies to chalk up to coincidence and support my assertion as to when Nibiru returned to our solar system last.

Add to this stories out of Sumeria where the Anunnaki, when they were created, 'ate from the grass of the field' when they were created by their makers (just as they said about humans later), and you realize there were other players besides the Anunnaki. Everything Enki and later Yahweh claimed is a case of stolen glory from the race that did create Earth humans.

We get part of this story in the fancified mythology of the Greeks where it was the Titans that created the Olympians (Anunnaki), and the pieces start to come together. This is some of the overview of my work that is covered in greater detail in the books. Thanks for your comments and interest.

Re: the Case for and Legend of Origin of our Species

Posted: Nov 5th, '23, 21:08
by Herb GuitarLik jr

given what we know about Jew Lies and that we have an entire month dedicated to jew lies (July) why would anyone trust anything written at any time but the liars.. I am talking about the jew written bible here .. anything written by jews at anytime is suspect.

Re: the Case for and Legend of Origin of our Species

Posted: Nov 10th, '23, 00:10
by Herb GuitarLik jr

Re: the Case for and Legend of Origin of our Species

Posted: Nov 14th, '23, 16:30
by Herb GuitarLik jr

Re: the Case for and Legend of Origin of our Species

Posted: May 22nd, '24, 16:25
by Storm