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Flynn Plea Agreement- He is REQUIRED to tell any crimes he knows of! Lol!!!

Posted: Apr 28th, '18, 20:01
by RedpillTheWorld

I'm reading Flynn Plea Agreement on Scribd. Check it out:

Re: RESIGNATIONS by CATEGORY! 195 Politicians/92 Police/59 Media/154 Healthcare/62 Banks! 2095 TOTAL

Posted: Apr 29th, '18, 00:35
by Storm

20 Democrats & 47 Republicans have RESIGNED since Sept 2017

Posted: May 6th, '18, 00:13
by RedpillTheWorld

Deep State Strong!

Posted: May 6th, '18, 02:43
by Storm

Who exactly is SCHNEIDERMAN?

Posted: May 8th, '18, 17:36
by RedpillTheWorld

We Must Fight - President Reagan

Posted: May 17th, '18, 00:25
by RedpillTheWorld

GREAT NEWS! 10 New Federal Judges, 2 US Attorneys, & 1 US Marshall - LET PROSECUTIONS COMMENCE!

Posted: May 19th, '18, 14:41
by RedpillTheWorld


PacerMonitor INFO on WEINER Case

Posted: May 20th, '18, 15:08
by RedpillTheWorld

Switching Judges - experts in pedo crimes.
Lawyering up, circling the wagons. Won't Stop Justice!

FINALLY!!! Republicans Announce They're Going After Hillary, Comey, Lynch, And Others in DOJ and FBI For Crimes

Posted: May 23rd, '18, 02:26
by RedpillTheWorld


Re: FINALLY!!! Republicans Announce They're Going After Hillary, Comey, Lynch, And Others in DOJ and FBI For Crimes

Posted: May 23rd, '18, 02:57
by Storm ... rc-et-all/

ZELDIN_051_xml 5.21 v2.pdf
(49.07 KiB) Downloaded 702 times

Download the pdf and you can read along at home
FINALLY KABOOM!! what we all have been waiting for arriving quickly.

Here's Why I Trust Sessions

Posted: May 24th, '18, 02:04
by RedpillTheWorld

1100 Pages of Seized Assets
29000 Sealed Federal Indictments
2400 CEO Resignations

He is hugely responsible for these amazing feats... and so much more.

Plus... I think Jeff Sessions is AWESOME for being willing to be ridiculed by 90% of the population, while he is actually playing a huge "role" in saving the world. One day, Jeff Sessions will be on the $5 Gold Backed Dollar Bill.

q Sessions no deal.jpg
q Trust Sessions.jpg
q Trust Sessions.jpg (16.86 KiB) Viewed 16489 times
q Sessions Russian.jpg

Re: Here's Why I Trust Sessions

Posted: May 24th, '18, 06:07
by Storm


Medical FRAUD!!

Posted: May 25th, '18, 22:47
by Storm

#SPYGATE Thread by Last Refuge

Posted: May 28th, '18, 21:36
by RedpillTheWorld

Supreme Court Sides with Christian Baker and Religious Freedom!!!

Posted: Jun 6th, '18, 14:31
by RedpillTheWorld


Posted: Jun 8th, '18, 01:36
by Storm

Re: NEON REVOLT Now that’s a Methodical #Takedown. #Leakers #QConfirmations #Presstitutes

Posted: Jun 9th, '18, 02:35
by Storm

Now that’s a Methodical #Takedown. #Leakers #QConfirmations #Presstitutes
June 8, 2018 by Neon Revolt

The news just broke. Former director of security for the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence has been arrested for leaking classified intel!

But this is much bigger than it appears on the surface, and I’m going to attempt to explain why.
James A. Wolfe, former Senate intel panel security director, indicted for allegedly lying to FBI
James A. Wolfe, former Senate intel panel security director, indicted for allegedly lying to FBI

A former security director for the Senate Intelligence Committee-- who was in charge of maintaining all classified information from the Executive Office to the panel-- was indicted for allegedly giving false statements to FBI agents looking into possible leaks to reporters, the Justice Department announced Thursday night.
Fox News

Firstly, the full Wolfe indictment can be found here: ... 6/download

And there’s a lot in this indictment – notably, that there were 4 reporters with whom Wolfe was in contact; two of which were female, one of which was male. And these are, of course, anonymously identified as Reporter 1, 2, 3, and 4.

And that would basically be where the story ends, except…

Except… one of these reporters has already been outed by their own news organization, no less. (Hmm… wonder why they would do that?)
Ex-Senate Aide Charged in Leak Case Where Times Reporter’s Records Were Seized
Ex-Senate Aide Charged in Leak Case Where Times Reporter’s Records Were Seized

Federal prosecutors seized the records as part of an investigation into leaks of classified information to the news media by a former Senate aide.

Ali Watkins. Worked for Buzzfeed. Politico. And NYT.

Here, take a gander at her portfolio:

But what does this indictment have to say about Miss Watkins. About “Reporter #2?”

Well, grab your Häagen-Dazs, and turn on Lifetime, because we’re about to enter cliched romance territory.

So…. 22 year old Watkins… was shacking up with 53-year-old, married Wolfe…. in exchange for intel… for FOUR YEARS.

They had already had this arrangement going prior to Trump. And when Trump stepped into office, they decided to turn against him.

Got that?

So this was bad enough that the FBI had already been investigating way back in 2014, during Obama. Wolfe had been caught by the FBI, on film, with his gal pal.

But, no, no, no your honor. We’re only sleeping together. I’m not sharing any national secrets with her.

Apparently, that was enough to keep them off his case for a few more years.

So this was as the relationship was falling apart/had already fallen apart.

Wolfie. You’re grovelling. There are always other interns to bribe-

I mean, sedu-

I mean, hara-

I mean-

Oh screw it, Wolf, that’s pathetic. You not only cheated on your wife for years, but you sold out our country just so you could get inside the pants of a soft-5. And let’s be honest here. I’ve seen her face. I know you’re old and look like a cross between a chipmunk and a creepy youth pastor who doesn’t play the guitar all that well, but…

No, no, wait. Come to think of it, it makes sense now.

You’re both scumbags. You were a desperate manwhore, and she was a #presstitute, both willing to do whatever it took to get what they wanted.
Temple senior breaks national story involving CIA
Temple senior breaks national story involving CIA

A senior in Temple University’s journalism program helped break a recent national story that has members of the U.S. Senate pointing fingers at the CIA.

Boy, this headline looks a lot different now, doesn’t it?

Anyway, besides clandestine rendezvous, how did these two get away with it for so long?




Now where have I seen that before?

Oh yeah!

Bada-#BOOM! There’s your #QConfirmation right there.

But this couldn’t have been Wolfe’s first hurrah. No, the man had been in the same position for 30 years. He had been leaking to multiple reporters at any given time.

Speculation as to the identities of some of those other reporters?

Ex-Feinstein Staffer Hired Steele and Fusion GPS After Election to Keep 'Exposing' Russian Meddling
Ex-Feinstein Staffer Hired Steele and Fusion GPS After Election to Keep 'Exposing' Russian Meddling

The House Intelligence Committee report released on Friday contained a new bombshell: after the 2016 election, wealthy donors paid a former Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) staffer $50 million to continue "exposing" Russian meddling in the 2016 election.
Breitbart Breitbart

Code: Select all

After the 2016 election, wealthy donors paid a former Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) staffer $50 million to continue “exposing” Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

Dan Jones, a former Democratic Senate Intelligence Committee staffer and former FBI official, then hired author Christopher Steele and Fusion GPS — whose research formed the Trump dossier — to help him do that, and to give whatever they found to “policymakers on Capitol Hill and the press.”  

Hmmm…. a likely candidate, I think.

And then there’s this one, with her one “scoops.” I wonder if Wolfe was sleeping with this one, too.


I work harder and do more research than these hacks. #Presstitutes, truly, the lot of them.

All they do is pat each others’ backs (sometimes figuratively, sometimes literally) for stories and congratulate each other (at least until they get caught).

So to recap:

But really, there was a pattern with Wolfe here. An ongoing pattern, stretching back years and years and years. Stretching back so far… you have to wonder…

Who was protecting him?

Who would want to strategically stuff leaked to the press?

Who would use an underling to accomplish this, and simultaneously allow them to keep their distance?

Good idea, #Anon!
Explosive: DOJ Investigating Senate Intelligence Staffer For Disclosing Classified Intelligence…
Explosive: DOJ Investigating Senate Intelligence Staffer For Disclosing Classified Intelligence…

UPDATE: 10:15pm EDT – James A. Wolfe, the Senate Intelligence Committee’s former director of security has been indicted by a Grand Jury.(INFO) Federal law enforcement officials secretly seiz…
The Last Refuge The Last Refuge

So now we’ve got junior senators, ex-staffers, lobbyists, and committee underlings all pointing back to Feinstein.

What about Ali though?


Wonder what was on the phone.

(Betchya Q knows).

And for those of you who still think Ole Stealth Jeff isn’t doin’ anything…

But now do you begin to see the brilliance?

Now do you see how methodical #QTeam is?

Watch Feinstein fall. Watch it happen.

California may go Red again just yet.

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Just head to for instructions!

And Thank You! This site can’t happen without your continued support! But rest assured, together, we are changing the course of history!

see full article for missing pieces, graphics