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Dr Hoffe

Posted: Aug 6th, '21, 16:08
by Storm


Here are two letters (attached) that were released today and are from our colleague, Dr. Charles Hoffe, who works in Lytton, BC. I am sure you will find them fascinating reading and sense the urgency with which they were written.

The first letter is addressed to the congregation of a church where he is the physician for many of the members. He was asked to write something about his experience with the covid injections that could be distributed.

The second letter was written to Dr. Bonnie Henry, the chief provincial public health officer in BC.

These are both Open Letters and I have confirmed with Dr. Hoffe that we have his permission to distribute them to anyone we think might be interested.

I think we can all congratulate him for bravely speaking out to protect the people of British Columbia, in an environment where censorship and College persecution are a real threat to a physician's license to practice medicine.

Stephen Malthouse, MD

several links re Alta ... ead=178644 ... berta.html ... vid-virus/ ... of&mrefc=5 ... uirements/

and the Lyton Dr 62% ... rt-damage/ good 8 min vid in link
above link re cv and flu, cdc can not differentiate

more ... a-variant/

and ... -the-virus

Re: Dr Hoffe

Posted: Aug 7th, '21, 19:12
by Storm

The many cases that have been going before the courts in multiple Canadian provinces have born fruit. The governments have been forced to declare an end to the State of Emergency, yet the media is not reporting on this and the governments themselves are continuing with their agenda despite the fact that they are now 100% CRIMINAL to do so. Without a State of Emergency, there is no legal basis for mask mandates, lockdowns, or the so-called “vaccine” as it only had emergency use authorization.

Clearly, not all the courts in this country have been corrupted

Justice is Coming for the Perpetrators of the Covid Crime Against Humanity

Rocco Gallati, Canada’s #1 Constitutional lawyer, confirms that the Canadian High Court has ended the Emergency Act for Covid-19 thus nullifying all lockdown and mask mandates throughout all provinces. The tyrannical communist government led by Justin Castro is ignoring the Rule of Law.

Re: Dr Hoffe

Posted: Aug 29th, '21, 15:55
by Storm
