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the word "God" is a mistranslation

Posted: Apr 15th, '18, 17:21
by NorthWoodDoc

Q'd to a passage in the documentary that should begin to open eyes sleepy as to our origins,

The Edin, EnLil, the ancient texts that speak to the pre flood era, indicate a far advanced other species who were our masters, our Gods but are in fact, little g gods.. as were white folk little g gods to the North American Indian Peoples slaughtered by Christians for their land , resources and sex.

The RC Church especially, but pretty much all religion is a deception. A deception to take away power and knowledge from the ever increasing wisedom of our a few would reign over us, as they have for 10K years..

It will be difficult for those clinging to the religion life rafts when the tidal wave of information about to burst forth re the Antarctica flash frozen ancient other species peoples who had far superior technology and brain capacity. It is WHY so many have flown to Antarctica in recent times, to see the evidence. It was not just Mammoths frozen mid chew.

Be prepared to find out almost everything we have been taught to believe is false. While the pages of the Bible are a reflection of some events in History, Jesus was not white, did not speak English, there were no vowels and the representation of some of his words and teachings have been misconstrued some by accident, some for nefarious reasons.

One must look outside the pages of the Bible to begin to see the deception, the errors, the other evidences that explain in great detail, who we are, why we were created and what occurred in past times.

In 1800s when Egypt and other places were being excavated, we had not the knowledge of flight and many other modern day conveniences. They could not understand the information as they had no reference point. Things will be hidden till end of the time, Daniel.

Today we understand some of the ancient texts, but not all.

We have millions of tablets and ancient artifacts and writings that pre date the Biblical versions of many of the same stories.
It will take years to digest and go thru the evidences and assemble ones own opinion. 40 years wandering the desert. Today we can better investigate the offered clues and Q's as to where to look on this Ester egg hunt of who we are, who created us and why.

The mask is about to come off, be prepared to discover what we are, is not what we have been taught.