March 9th
It is really changing quickly now. It’s bleeding but also turning pink in more of the surface area. It only hurts when she sits on it but this was the same as before we started.
She is really doing well. I am surprised how strong she really is. I may
give her the day off and just let her recover a bit.
Please notice the yellow circle. This was attached last night but this is what’s now happening around the edges. I can see it’s not going to take too long to clear this tumor
. I may attempt non acidified solution tomorrow. Until tonight, there was no pain,
some burning but no pain. Tonight she was upset for the first time. She
really is a trooper.
If I use non activated tomorrow will let you know. It is working so if it
slows up, I will revert back to activated. I can also get her some morphine
if we need to. That’s just making a call to get it delivered.
I will see with the patient how it works with the activation, I will test
without as well with the next patient. I can always switch back to activated
if it doesn’t work. I will monitor the pH and see if it’s causing an issue.
I have been reading and believe that with activation will be faster than
without but that’s just a hypothesis. I will take some time to think about
this today. The tumor should already be acidic and if so, metabolic acidosis
should be enough to activated it in the tumor and might tend to convert
nicely. I really would have to take some time to think more about this. HMMM
might be worth a shot, if it does, the process might help to destroy the
cancer cells.
March 8th
It looks really good now, tonight the tumor is separating from the connective tissues. It’s amazing!
I really feel good about what I see tonight. We gave her a break and only
used the Bentonite with the CDS and Colloidal Silver we normally use for
smaller cases.
The Bentonite and silver has been a great solution to smaller melanoma cases
and moles that have turned black. In a day to a few days, they are normally
gone. I wish I took some photos of some of the cases we used it with. It
hasn’t failed us yet.
I am looking forward to seeing how it works with the CDS included as well.
It’s really amazing. We go through bags of this and already out again.
It is really changing quickly now. It’s bleeding but also turning pink in more of the surface area. It only hurts when she sits on it but this was the same as before we started.
She is really doing well. I am surprised how strong she really is. I may
give her the day off and just let her recover a bit.
I will attempt that tomorrow. Until tonight, there was no pain,
some burning but no pain. Tonight she was upset for the first time. She
really is a trooper.
I will use nonactivated tomorrow and let you know. It is working so if it
slows up, I will revert back to activated. I can also get her some morphine
if we need to. That’s just making a call to get it delivered.
What do you think of the tumor and the connective tissues?
Tonight was different in a few ways. It was painful for the first time
meaning we couldn’t get but 3cc and three sites.
The edges which were attached to the unaffected tissues are not separating
and clear from the tumor. It’s much softer as well. When I reach my fingers
around the edges, I can almost touch. The connecting tissues and the tumor
are becoming more defined and the connective areas are lessening.
I am also able to pull what seems to be dead fibers from the tumor as well.
It’s like strings, black and very strong too. This is the first time for
this to be so much.
I was hoping to get more solutions inside the tumor but it’s too painful
We washed it with the CDH and let her rest. We will see tomorrow.
I really feel that it’s working well.
Mostly the density is changing. The first two days it was shrinking but the
third day expanded in some areas a bit. I am not concerned about a bit of
expansion since I have learned that when the solidified tumor breaks down,
it becomes liquefied and expands before it shrinks.
I would will see what happens tonight when I examine it.